Take The Note. (unedited)

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Hey guys!! Just to let you know, this is an actual episode of Backstage that hasn't aired yet but i saw the plot on Wikipedia and it says Bianca lashes out after devastating news. So i'm guessing it's that she finds out Jax cheated on her! Anyways i hope you enjoy and start reading below RIGHT NOW!

"Kit's POV"
It's been a week through sophomore year at Keaton. So far a lot has been going on, and i mean A LOT. Alya and Miles are going through that awkward break-up stage, there are rumours about Jax and i going around, and to top it all off, i know that Jax cheated on Bianca and she doesn't. I hate being put in that position because i have to walk around all day knowing a dark, big, secret and it's tearing me apart. But, i promised Jax i wouldn't tell her and when i promise something, i always keep that promise.
Anyways, now i'm putting on my outfit for school and applying light makeup. I'm gonna show you pictures of exactly what i'm wearing from online. Oh and BTW i already did my hygiene routine so i'm not including that.

This is my hair style (but my hair isn't this long)

This is my hair style (but my hair isn't this long)

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This is my makeup

Lastly, this is my outfit

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Lastly, this is my outfit. (This is the first time i wore shorts at school. Shocking. I know.)


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Ok im all ready

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Ok im all ready. Now i'm gonna call Jax like i usually do so we can walk to school together. "Hey Jax i'm ready are you?" I ask in a slight annoyed tone. I don't try to be annoyed on purpose, it's just my personality for the most part. "Yeah. Just meet me outside, I'll be there in 10 seconds." He says in his usual sly, geeky, voice. "Kk." I reply then i hang up the phone. "Bye Mom and Dad" I hug them in the kitchen then i grab my backpack off the couch and walk outside. (BTW Scarlett walked to school earlier with Julie.) "Wow you literally  meant 10 seconds didn't you?" I laugh. "Yup." He replies smirking. We both start walking to school right way but suddenly Jax stops walking. "Woah. Wait. Hold on. Kit Dunn, are you wearing shorts....and extra makeup?" Jax asks me in a surprised manner. "Yeah..?" I say to him with a confused look on my face. "Sorry... i'm just so shocked. I just never thought you would EVER wear shorts OR more makeup!" He yells in a joking way, putting a hand on his chest. "I know. Shocking. But i've decided i need to add more style to my clothing, i'm not trying to be boring here." I roll my eyes at the first part and grin at the last part.  "Well that's not really working out for ya. Nothing really has changed." Jax tells me and i smack his arm. "Ow, i'm just kidding." He frowns as he rubs his arm. "You better be." I point a finger at him.

*10 minutes later*
(Still Kit's POV) Jax and i walk through the doors of Keaton, and right now were talking about the whole "cheating on Bianca" situation. "Jax you need to tell her!! I think you've been keeping this secret for too long, and it's time to tell her!! This will lift a huge weight off your shoulders if you do, and if you need me to be there with you when you tell her, i will. Your my best friend and i will always try to be there when you need me. Come on Jax, you can do this." I reassure him. Ok. I have a secret. Don't tell anybody, but i have feelings for Jax. I admit that it hurts to call him my best friend when i want so much more. But, i rather have him as a best friend forever then lose him for some other crazy reason. That's how much i care about him.  "Fine. Your right. I will tell her today during lunch. And thanks so much Kit for being here for me, i really appreciate it. Your also my best friend and i would like you to be there with me when i tell her, will you?" Jax says and my heart stings when he says "best friend". "What do you think?" I reply sarcastically to his last question. "Um, i don't kn-" He starts to say but i cut him off. "Of course i will doofus...come on!" I say to him grinning, then i grab his arm and pull him all the way to production class.

*Lunch Time*
"Kit, it's time let's go." Jax says and i nod. We walk all the way to Bianca's lunch tutoring session she has with Mr. Park and as we walk in the hallway we already see her outside the door talking to Alya. "I can't believe he did this to me." Bianca says with rage and pain written all over her face.   "I know. I'm so sorry Bianca." Alya replies and she hugs her. I look over to see that Jax is confused and already know why. Some body told Bianca that Jax cheated on her. "Hey Bianca." Jax says to Bianca while plastering a guilty smile on his face. "I'll leave you guys alone." Alya tells us, then she walks back into the class room.  "Don't hey me Jackson." Bianca bitterly replies as she looks at him with cold, furious, but soft and sad eyes all at the same time. "Go back to your back up dancer." She says. "Bianca i was gonna tel-" "You were gonna tell me? Sure you were. I didn't need you to tell me anyways because the whole internet already did! There are pictures of you and that girl kissing everywhere online Jackson!!!" Bianca yells, while Jax flinches. "Bianca i should've told you sooner, i'm sorry! That kiss meant nothing to me, it was meaningless. Please forgive me." Jax tell Bianca. "I forgive you Jackson but i can't be with you. We can still be friends though. I've learned already that when some one is once a cheater, they are ALWAYS a cheater." Bianca says softly then she walks back into Mr. Parks room. I see Jax out of the corner of my eye and i see that tears are running down his face. "I'm so sorry Jackson." I tell him, and to be completely honest, i do feel really bad for him. "It's okay. As long as i have you i'm okay." Jax replies and he throws his arms around me. A couple of seconds later i put my arms around him too and now we are just two kids hugging in the middle of a colourful corridor.

*4 months later*

"Kit can you come over to my house?" Jax asks me through the phone and i turn my blaring Pierce The Veil song "Bulletproof Love" down. "Sure. I'll be there in a sec." I reply. "Ok." He says. "Kk bye." I hang up the phone then i start walking to his house which is literally three houses down.

*1 minute later*

I ring the doorbell and Jax's mom "Cindy" opens the door. I like Cindy, she is really nice. "Hello Kit, Jax is upstairs." She says to me sweetly. "Thank you." I say in a nice tone, then i go upstairs to Jax's room. I knock on the door and he opens it right away. "You don't  have to knock." He smiles as i walk into his room and sit on his bed. "I know, i just don't wanna see you in your underwear on accident." I laugh jokingly and he smirks. "So, why did you want me to come over? Is something wrong?" I ask him concerned. "No. Nothing is wrong. I just wanted to tell you something important." He says in a serious tone. "Ok...go on." I rush him while moving my hand. "Kit. I like you, i mean really, really, like you. I have already gotten over Bianca, and i realised I've liked you since freshman year, i just didn't know it." Jax confesses to me while looking into my eyes. I stand up and walk towards him. "You like me?" I ask him, confused and happy at the same time. "I do." He replies.
"I like you too." I tell him as i walk closer. He grins at me and we both walk closer to each other. I grab him by the collar and just start kissing him. And he seems to be enjoying the kiss because he moves closer to me and puts his arms around my waist. After about 20 seconds, we pull away out of breath. "Wow. You really are in charge aren't you Kit?" Jax asks me flirtatiously. "I sure am." I tell him firmly. And the rest of the day we play video games and hang out. Then i go home and scream excitedly. Mom and Scarlett are alarmed but then i tell them that Jax is my boyfriend now and they fangirl so hard, it's unreal. Anyway, i have the best boyfriend and bestfriend ever and nothing is ever gonna change that...

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter!!! See ya next time!! And goodnight!! I'm tired. Zzzzzz.......

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