Chapter 1

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"-Vargas! Mr. Vargas!"

The words went in one ear and out of the other. As the professor continued to shout at Feliciano, the birds continued to chirp and wind proceeded to push the leaves in a gentle sway, seemingly more suitable for his attention.

"Jesus Feli pay attention!" Whispered Antonio urgently as he smacked his leg under the desk. Feliciano forced his eyes away from the window and turned to his friend with a pained expression.

"But this class is so boring!" He whined.

"Mr. Vargas!" Called the professor from the front of the class. He tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for Feliciano's answer.

"I'm sorry Mr. Yao could you repeat that?"

Mr. Yao sighed and flicked his low ponytail over the side of his shoulder onto his back. "Just because I am your substitute for today doesn't mean you students get to slack off! I'm not a Sociology teacher what is this?! I should be teaching my Art History class!" Mr. Yao suddenly dropped his pointer onto the desk and began to erase the chalk board. "You know what, class dismissed. You may all leave now."

As everyone began to quickly pack up and silently cheer in fear of him changing his mind, a hand along with a small voice peaked up out of the crowd.

"But Mr. Yao sir, we've only been here ten min-"

A sudden hand over his mouth delivered by his brother kept him from finishing his sentence.

"Don't question him Matthew. Now hurry up so we can get the hell out of here," whispered Alfred urgently.

Just as Feliciano finished putting his books in his backpack, Antonio's hand clasped around his elbow, pulling him towards the door; Alfred doing the same to Matthew.

"Congratulations man, you are the one who finally broke old Wang," said Alfred as soon as they were out of the classroom.

Feliciano laughed and shrugged his arm out of Antonio's hold. "Yeah, I guess I am."

"So what are we going to do for the next hour and 20 minutes?" Asked Alfred, still pulling Matthew along side him.

Feliciano yawned, "I think I'm just going to go back to the dorm, I'm kinda sleepy."

"I'm coming with you, Lovino doesn't have class for another 45 minutes." Said Antonio as he checked his phone.

"Aww. Now what are we going to do?" Alfred gestured to himself and Matthew, who had now broken free of his brothers hold now that they were outside of the building and walking back towards the dorms.

Antonio sighed and ran a hand over his face. "How about after Lovino's class we all meet up at the café or something?"

A round of nods went around the group.

"Aren't Gilbert and Francis in Lovino's class too?" Asked Matthew.

"Yeah, and Arthur's class should be ending in about an hour." Said Alfred, checking his watch. Matthew elbowed Alfred in the side at the mention of Arthur. "Ow, hey what was that for?"

"Are you ever going to confess to him? Or are you just going to act like you are just friends?"

Alfred turned towards his brother, "Ha ha what are you talking about Matthew?" Matthew just stared back blankly and then Alfred whispered, "I'll do it eventually, maybe, I don't know." He turned back to Antonio and Feliciano. "Anyway, yeah let's all meet up at the café in a couple of hours, bye!" And then he was gone, dragging Matthew along side him as they ran in the direction of their dorm.

The other two simply watched in slight shock, though they felt they already knew without having to be told that Alfred liked Arthur. Though to just have it bluntly put out there, and by Matthew to say the least, was a little bit of a shock.

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