Chapter 20

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Ludwig's POV

As soon as I stepped past that guard and into the tunnel, I had this sensation that I just couldn't describe. It was as if guilt, sadness, and pain hit me all at once, I felt like I was going to pass out. I felt like I needed my Feliciano.

Once I had stepped into the plane and sat down in my seat, I didn't know what I was looking for, but I caught myself searching for something in the distance beyond the seemingly endless runways.

I could hear the loud rumble of the engine around me and I gripped the arms of my seat. I happened to be fortunate enough to get a row to myself, which I am thankful for, I don't know if I would have been able to talk to anyone.

As the plane began to move, I caught my eyes searching frantically out the window, and then, by the side of the airport along the fence, I saw it. A group of people were waving towards the plane, this plane. The image will be burned into my mind forever, even from this distance, I could recognize Feliciano anywhere. He was on the farthest to my left, the farthest away from the airport building, next to him was Lovino and Antonio followed by my brother with Francis and Matthew, Alfred and Arthur. They all stood, waving at me, and even though I knew that they couldn't see me, I waved back.

The plane began to pick up speed, and soon enough, they were nothing more than a few dots in the distance. I wished that I could have held Feliciano one last time, told him that I loved him. Told Gilbert that I loved him and that I hoped to see him again soon; told Antonio and Francis that the three of them need to come down for another Bad Touch Trio trip. Told Matthew that it's okay to be quite because someone is always listening. Told Alfred that he can be the hero. Told Arthur that even though we never really talked much, I could tell that he was a really good guy. I wish I could have congratulated Lovino and Antonio on their engagement once again, and tell Lovino thank you once again for his acceptance. There were so many things that I wanted to say to them and I had wanted to do it in person, but I was gone now, in this plane. Those words will forever remain on my tongue.

I began to feel the shift of the plane tilting upwards and I gripped my seat tighter, forcing my eyes away from the window, away from the area that I knew they were probably still standing, watching me go up in the air and fly away from them.

Now here I am, still thinking about my take off six hours into my flight. The sky below me is littered with clouds, creating an obscure masterpiece of the mysteries of the night. Above me are stars, below me are clouds, and I'm surrounded by the night sky.

The captain had long ago addressed that we were allowed to turn on our phones once again, they have to be in airplane mode, of course, so now I scroll through my pictures, laughing at the idiotic ones, and feeling my heart tug at the sentimental ones. Feliciano had always loved to take pictures, it was just that he always almost never brought his phone with him, so he always took mine to take the photos.

The picture currently on my screen is one of Feliciano and I sitting outside of that café that we used to always go to. He is using his one hand to take the picture while the other one holds Snickers close to his chest, his smile bright. There is a to-go cup by his knees while I drink from mine. I honestly had no idea he was about to take a picture, so I look slightly confused as I drink from my cup. I remember that I had really debated about whether or not I should delete this photo, but I'm grateful that I didn't.

I swipe through a few more before I stumble upon one that's just me. The picture is taken from a low angle, and I look at it for awhile before I remember. This was when I let Feliciano borrow my phone during class to look up answers on the internet, but in the midst of looking up answers, he decided to take a picture of me at my desk, minding my own business as I worked on the paper that the professor was making us do.

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