Chapter 3

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For the rest of the afternoon Lovino and Feliciano anxiously paced their small dorm for an answer on the house. The minutes seemed to fly by and before they knew it, it was 6 o'clock.

"Okay, this is ridiculous," said Lovino as he threw himself onto the bed. "It's been hours, I gave them my cell number so they can call me. They'll call even if we didn't get the house right?"

"I think so," said Feliciano. "How about we gather everyone up and go to the café? That's always fun and I'm pretty sure everyone is done with their classes by now."

Sighing, Lovino sat up and reached for his phone, "Yeah, and it would be good to get our minds off this for awhile." As Lovino sent out a group message for everyone to meet them at the café in a half hour, Feliciano waited against the doorway for Lovino to get ready. They were going to go down to the café early so that whenever everyone else got there they would be too.

Soon after, they were walking out of the building and towards the exit of the campus. By the time they made it there and made a right along the sidewalk, a sudden shout erupted through their ears. They spun around to see a sprinting Antonio heading right towards them.


The two of them turned around and watched as the Spaniard ran towards them.

"Mind if I walk with you?" he huffed.

Lovino just rolled his eyes and continued walking while Feliciano nodded in acknowledgment.

Together, the three of them walked the twenty minutes to the café. Whenever they neared the café, a little orange, black, and white kitten scampered towards Feliciano.

"Oh, no," moaned Lovino, "how about we just go to our table, Feli, come inside... whenever you're done."

Antonio and Lovino walked into the building and to their table in the back of the café. Meanwhile, Feliciano had barley heard what his brother was saying to him because he was too caught up with Snickers.

"Hi Snickers!" He said as he pet the small kitten. Snickers purred happily, rubbing his head against Feliciano's knee. "I hope you are doing well, but I have to go inside now. I'll come out again in a little while, okay?" Snickers meowed in protest when he stood up and began walking towards the door. "You can stay by your spot at the window until I convince Elizabeta to let you inside again okay? Bye Snickers!" Feliciano slowly opened the door and gently pushed Snickers back with his foot so he wouldn't slip through his legs.

He began walking to his table in the back of the café, passing rows upon rows of tables, some occupied, some empty. Then just as he was about to enter the back room something caught his eye, well, more like someone. Sitting by the windows on the opposite side of the café was a man with blond hair and the brightest blue eyes he had ever seen. He was engrossed in a book as he slowly sipped from his mug. The way the sunlight shined off of his hair made Feliciano's heart flutter, but why? He decided to ignore the feeling rising in his stomach as he slowly turned and continued towards their table in the back where Antonio and Lovino sat waiting.

"Took you long enough," huffed Lovino.

"Yeah what took you so long, what were you staring at?" Asked Antonio, curious.

Feliciano awkwardly laughed and fiddled with the napkin on the table, "Oh I was just watching Snickers through the window, you know, because he's so cute."

"Feliciano," said Lovino seriously.

"Yes fratello?"

"I know you are lying."

Feliciano's face fell, "Eh! How did you know!?"

"Because," he indicated to Feliciano's hands, which were now tearing the napkin into little pieces at the edge of the table, "you're doing that. You fiddle with things when you are nervous or lying."

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