Chapter 16

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February 6th (about three months)

Over the past several days, the group had grown close once again. They decided to forgive and forget about the whole issue, but Ludwig knew that actually what he did would always linger in the back of their minds forever. So he just decided to appreciate the fact that they were all giving him a second chance.

Except for Lovino, he could hold a grudge as if it was a feather.

It was one in the afternoon and Ludwig was at Feliciano's house; Lovino was out doing who knows what with Antonio, as usual.

Inside the house, Feliciano was making lunch and no matter how much Ludwig tried to help he wouldn't allow him.

"Okay, I think it's done," he said as he stirred in the last teaspoon of spices. "Now, you finally get to taste real Italian pasta!"

"So all of the other stuff is fake?" asked Ludwig as he spooned some onto his plate.

"Yup! I guess you could call it an impasta!"

Ludwig couldn't hold back his laugh at the horrible joke. How did he ever think that he could stop loving him?

They sat down at the table and Feliciano waited for Ludwig to try it first before eating himself. He watched as he twirled some onto his fork and put it in his mouth. The shock was evident on his face.

"This is not what I'm used to eating at all," he said, laughing. "It's really good though, I think I like yours better than the stuff I've been eating since I could chew."

"That's because what you used to eat isn't real Italian pasta. Only real Italian's can make and perfect actual Italian food."

"I bet I could score pretty close if you gave me the recipe," taunted Ludwig.

Feliciano put his finger to his lips, "family secret recipe."

Ludwig just smiled and they continued to eat. After a while, when they were doing the dishes together, Ludwig thought of something.

"You know, you should really become a chef. Maybe open up your own restaurant or something."

Feliciano felt his heart warm at the thought. "Really?"

"Yeah, I mean, I'd go there."

Feliciano laughed as he picked up another plate in the bubbly sink and scrubbed at it. "I think you forgot something, my family already owns an Italian restaurant. It's called Vargas's Italian."

"Is it close around here?"

He thought for a moment, "No, it's about two or three hours away from here at least."

"See, perfect then. You open one up around here so that the people who are around here don't have to drive as far, plus once word gets out about the food you'll have customers in no time."

Feliciano handed the plate to Ludwig to dry, "But, by the time I do all of that you would be back in Germany."

"Every time I visit America I'll make sure to pay a visit to your restaurant," he said, a promising tone in his voice.

"I don't even know how to run a restaurant!" laughed Feliciano.

"I'm sure there's a class you can take for that," said Ludwig.

After that, a comfortable silence fell upon them. They were almost done with the dishes, but Feliciano didn't want to leave Ludwig's side, and every time he would pick up a new dish their elbows would brush against each other. Neither of them minded.

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