Chapter 8

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It was one of the longest hours Ludwig felt he had ever experienced.

He was tired, and once whenever they came to a stoplight, Ludwig looked over and watched Feliciano sleep until the light turned green. Feliciano had turned over so he was facing Ludwig, letting him have full exposure to his adorable sleepy complexion.

The only thing was, Ludwig was used to getting butterflies in his stomach whenever he saw Feliciano, he had always passed it off as nothing, but now with all of these thoughts going through his head, he's come to accept that this is more than that, and that he actually has feelings for this man.

For the rest of the drive home Ludwig just thought about his newfound realization over and over again until he couldn't bare to think of it no more. He liked Feliciano. He liked Feliciano. These feelings just seemed to be growing and growing, he knew that whenever he saw Feliciano for the first time that he was something special, but he never thought that it would evolve to this.

He couldn't let him know though, if Feliciano found out that he liked him he would for sure stop being friends with him, and he didn't want that. He already cared for the boy too much.

Finally, he pulled into Westerfield Street and parked the car in the driveway. He shut off the car and looked over to the sleeping Feliciano, he debated on waking him up but decided against it. He got out of the car, careful not to slam the door, and walked around and opened the passenger side door. Reaching over, he unbuckled his seatbelt and very gently lifted him out of the seat and into his arms bridal style.

"Aww, is Feli asleep?" cooed Francis tiredly.

Ludwig nodded, "Hey grab that box for me." He indicated towards a box in the back seat of the car, Francis grabbed it and followed them into the house.

"Where are we going?" asked Francis as he followed Ludwig throughout the house and eventually to Feliciano's bedroom.

"Open the box," said Ludwig.

Francis slowly opened the box and when he lifted his head he wore the most confused expression on his face. "Blankets? Just a box full of blankets?"

Ludwig rolled his eyes, "He said that that's what he wanted so yeah, and I want you to make a pallet for Feliciano."

"Whatever you say, mon ami," he sighed as he began to lay out the blankets on the floor, folding some over to make a soft pallet for Feliciano to sleep on. When it was ready, Ludwig gently lied Feliciano onto it and draped a blanket on top of him.

"Where's Matthew?" asked Ludwig, noticing that he wasn't here with Francis.

"Oh, Mattie fell asleep in the car and I didn't want to wake him up, that reminds me I should probably get going. You have everything under control?"

"Yeah I've got it all."

"Hey do me a favor and stay with him until Lovino gets back, I don't know how he would handle it suddenly waking up here alone, you know?"

Ludwig nodded, "Yeah I got ya, night," said Ludwig as he walked him to the door.

"Night," Francis called back to him just before he opened the driver's side door and began to drive away with a sleeping Matthew in the front seat. He watched as Francis pulled out of the driveway and give a simple wave before driving away into the darkness of the night; once his headlights were out of sight, Ludwig returned inside of the house.

He made his way over to the couch in the living room and sat down, deciding to watch a little TV while he waited for Lovino to show up. One half hour show turned into two, then three, then four. Before he knew it, two hours had passed without so much as a phone call from Lovino or Antonio. The house was silent and he listened carefully for the sound that he hoped to hear, only had he made up his mind whenever he finally heard the faint sound of Feliciano's sight snores from down the hall. He continued with what he was wanting to do and pulled out his cell phone, scrolling through the contacts until he found who he wanted and hit the call button.

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