Chapter 5

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The weekend seemed to fly by and before they knew it, it was Monday. No one liked Monday's, it meant having to go back to their classes and worrying about school work all over again after two days of not worrying about a thing.

At least Feliciano had the idea to not schedule any early morning classes on Monday's, unlike Lovino, who had a class that began at eight. Feliciano's Art History class didn't start until 11, and he was grateful for that.

He had somehow managed to sleep through all of Lovino's ruckus as he attempted to get ready for his class. So whenever his alarm went off at ten and woke him up, he was pleasantly surprised. He got dressed and did all of his normal morning routine stuff until he was finally ready to go to the Art History building.

He decided to skip breakfast, passing the student center all together, and kept walking towards his destination which was at least a ten minute walk. He had slung his backpack over one shoulder as he continued on his path. There was one thing he liked about walking to Art History, and it was the shortcut that he could take which cut through the woods. The trees' leaves around him were an array of different colors, orange, red, green, yellow, and brown. It was fall, his favorite season. He could smell it in the air, and see it around him. He was almost out of the shortcut now and he continued down it, each step leaving him with a satisfying crunch as the leaves crumbled beneath his feet.

Soon enough, he finally made it to the Art History building with about ten minutes to spare. Feliciano took his usual seat in the back of the class against the windows. He placed his notebook and a pen on his desk from his backpack and waited for the minutes to tick by so they could start the class.

Then, at 10:58, Mr. Yao entered the classroom, which was unusual of him to enter early, but what was even more unusual was that he had someone with him. A tall, blond man with blue eyes that Feliciano had spotted from the back of the classroom.

"Everyone," called Mr. Yao, getting everyone's attention, "this is Ludwig Beildschmidt. He is our foreign exchange student from Germany, please treat him with respect and if he needs help with anything be kind to show him where certain places are." He turned to Ludwig and lowered his voice to normal, "Ludwig you may sit wherever you like."

Feliciano was frozen. It was him. And he is here. And his name is Ludwig; Ludwig Beildschmidt. Feliciano was so caught up in this new found realization that Ludwig may not be dating Gilbert, because he realized that they have the same last name, that he didn't even notice when he walked right to the back of the classroom and took an empty seat only three seats away from him.

When he did notice though, oh, how his heart stammered. No one sat in the back row except for him and now, Ludwig.

He still couldn't get over his name. Ludwig. It suits him well. Now, only sitting a couple seats away, Feliciano pulled out a book and pretended to read it, but actually he was watching Ludwig out of the corner of his eyes. He could see the muscles hiding beneath his shirt, and his hair was slicked back with some sort of gel. He looked nothing less than the most handsome anyone could get. He felt his cheeks flush at the realization.

Suddenly, Ludwig dropped his pencil and reached down to pick it up, and in the process, caught Feliciano looking at him. At first, he stared back, but slowly his stone face shifted into a grin, and Feliciano thought that his heart was going to explode.

Hiding his face, Feliciano looked away and fully at the windows. From the side of him, he heard a slight laugh, not very loud, and not that many, just one chuckle that had managed to escape Ludwig's lips.

Feliciano pulled all of his books from his backpack and stacked them on the one side of his desk, hiding himself from Ludwig's vision; making a shield, if you will.

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