Chapter 14

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January 19th (2 1/2 months)

After that day Feliciano didn't even bother calling Ludwig, or talking about him to other people. The most he did was tell the rest of the group about how Ludwig just wanted them all to forget about him. Everyone had been shocked, and very confused, but as the weeks passed by, with little to no contact with Ludwig in that time, everyone seemed to be doing okay, except for Feliciano.

Even though he didn't want to call Ludwig, he still thought about him, and if they ever saw each other they would say their hellos, so they were still friendly towards each other, it was just they didn't have the kind of relationship that they once had. They were practically strangers who merely knew each other's names.

Despite all of this, his heart still ached when he thought about him. He wanted him back in his life, but he felt that maybe things would never return to the way they were before, and for some reason, he kept having that nagging feeling in the back of his mind that the reason they split was all his fault. He constantly beat himself up about what he could have done wrong and after multiple accounts of Antonio and Lovino trying to cheer him up, they realized that he would just have to go through this on his own.

It had been about four weeks since the incident and Feliciano felt no better now than he did then. Today was Wednesday, which meant that he had to go to his Art History class at 11 a.m. which also meant that he would have to see Ludwig once again.

Snow blanketed the ground, littered with footprints. He could see his breath as he walked to the building where his class was. He had arrived ten minutes early and so the room was practically deserted, except for Mr. Yao.

"Eager to learn more about the history of art are we?" he asked without looking up as Feliciano stepped into the classroom.


He glanced up from his papers, "It's okay you don't have to answer."

Feliciano smiled and went to the back of the classroom where his seat was. He set down his things next to his chair and looked out the window and watched the snow fall. It was quiet, and peaceful, but he knew it wouldn't last for long. Not long after Feliciano arrived the other students began to arrive as well. It wasn't until two minutes before 11 did Ludwig finally show up. He greeted the professor and then walked back to where his desk was, which was two away from Feliciano.

"Hey," he said as he sat.

"Hey," said Feliciano, trying to keep his heart from hurting him to the point where the pain would show. Every time he would talk to Ludwig he would always feel a pang of pain in his chest, it was like just thinking of the man physically pained him. He wished that he could have known why Ludwig wanted to leave the group that day a month before, because then maybe that could have spared Feliciano the pain that he felt almost every day.

The familiar sound of squeaky wheels sounded as Mr. Yao sat in his chair and glided across the room to the door, he then proceeded to lock it and glide back to his desk. It was 11; class was beginning.

"Okay class!" he declared with his teacher voice, "for the next few weeks we will be doing a project about Van Gogh!" A round of groans filled the classroom. "I know I'm excited too!" he said sarcastically. "Oh, and this is a partner project." A few heads perked up. "And I will be choosing your partner."

"Then what's the point?!" shouted someone from the front row that Feliciano couldn't see.

Mr. Yao sent them a glare before continuing. "Anyway, I will be choosing your partners, and since we are beginning this project today, you'll be finding out who your partner is today. Now everyone open your textbooks to page 412, that's where it begins to talk about different painters, Van Gogh should be among them. Until I tell you who your partner is, begin working, alone."

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