Chapter 12

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December 22nd (1 3/4 months)

The snow fell to the ground in gentle wisps. It stuck to the parts of Feliciano's hair that weren't hidden beneath his red beanie. The sun was high, yet it wasn't warm by any means as he walked out to the campus library. His class had ended early, and he didn't know what to do. Ludwig was his ride and he was still in his own class, so instead of bothering him he decided to head over to the library and text him to pick him up there.

The walk to the library wasn't that long, but the wind chill made it almost unbearable, and he was suddenly very thankful that Ludwig had let him borrow his thick gloves. Once he arrived at the library, he stripped off his jacket and gloves and shoved them into his backpack before taking out his book and sitting down at one of the tables. The time seemed to pass slowly without Ludwig around, over the past month and a half the two of them had grown quite close. They were always together whenever they could be, even though Lovino and Feliciano's beds had been delivered a long time ago, Ludwig still sometimes spent the night and they would stay up and watch movies and eat popcorn and just goof off.

Just a couple days ago they watched Me Before You and when Feliciano cried, Ludwig comforted him, and then they watched Deadpool to get their minds off of it. It was a fun night, but in Feliciano's opinion, the night that was the best was whenever the two of them danced along to Unsteady.

After a while, Feliciano's phone buzzed in his pocket. It was a text from Ludwig.

So you're at the library again?

He quickly typed a reply.


His phone buzzed seconds later.

Okay, wait there I'll be there in a second.

He put on his jacket and his gloves after putting his book back into his backpack next to his sketchbook. Just as he put his phone in his pocket and stood, intending to make his way towards the door, it opened and there standing was Ludwig with red cheeks and blond hair dusted with snowflakes.

He was amazing, and everything Feliciano could ever want, and it took everything within him to not just run over to him and thread his fingers through his snowflaky-blond hair and kiss him.

"Hey," whispered Ludwig as Feliciano met him at the door. They slipped out into the cold air, snowflakes drifting around them with the wind, decorating Feliciano's beanie with white specks.

"Hey," said Feliciano as they began to walk towards Ludwig's parked car a few rows away in the nearby parking lot. "So how were your exams?"

Ludwig sighed and raked a hand through his hair, "I feel dead, and I'm pretty sure that there is no way I'm going to get anything above a C in Physics. I'm just glad today was the last day before break."

"Yeah me too, I'm ready for two weeks of nothing."

The two of them climbed into the car and began to drive to Feliciano's house, with the house completely done, and now that all of their exams were over, they decided to have a party to celebrate. Kind of like a house warming/end of exams/Christmas party.

Once they arrived at the house, Antonio, Francis, and Gilbert were already there and had been setting up decorations. The Christmas tree was decorated with white and silver ornaments along with snowflakes, and there were presents underneath it wrapped in Santa and Christmas colored paper. Feliciano guessed that someone had set the radio to a station that played Christmas music as Jingle Bell Rock flooded into his ears.

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