Chapter 18

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February 27th (One day until 4 months)

One of the first things Feliciano could remember doing on that cold morning was cry. It had been so long since he had cried this hard; he didn't know if he was ever going to stop. Today was his last day with Ludwig, tomorrow he would leave, fly back to Germany, and only God knows when the next time they will see each other will be.

For the past week Ludwig never went back to his dorm with Gilbert, he had stayed with Feliciano. The week before, Feliciano had helped Ludwig pack all of his things together into the few suitcases that he had and they loaded them up and took them to Feliciano's house, they now sit in the corner of Feliciano's bedroom, a constant reminder that their time together has only gotten shorter and shorter as the seconds tick by.

Feliciano had woken with tears in his eyes every day this week, and as the week progressed, it became much harder to get them to stop. Now it was the day before Ludwig would leave indefinitely, and it was as if his eyes had become stream's of rushing water, new tears constantly pushing over the old ones, causing them to flow over in a rhythmed precession.

He cried silently into his pillow, his back turned to Ludwig. He hated letting him see himself like this. He hated that he cared so much, yet he didn't know how he would live if he didn't. He hated that he was leaving, and most of all, he hated that he couldn't go with him.

He buried his face deeper into his damp pillow as he felt more tears rise. The sun's rays streamed into the bedroom like an unwelcomed visitor, forcing him to turn his body over so that he was facing Ludwig and away from the sun.

Ludwig's eyes were closed as he slept peacefully next to him. Feliciano slowly wiped his own eyes dry, at least the best that he could do, and watched as Ludwig's bare chest slowly moved up and down in time with his breathing. The blankets pooled around his waist, leaving his hips up in full exposure to Feliciano's delight. He traced Ludwig's collar bone with his eyes, all the way to his shoulder and down his arm and to the tips of his fingers which were only a few mere inches away from Feliciano's own exposed chest.

He remembered last night, their romantic dinner that Ludwig had taken him to, followed by the short drive home and the entire time Feliciano just couldn't stop thinking about how good Ludwig looked in a suit, and about how good he would look if it was off. Whenever they got back and were in the house, Feliciano had gone up to Ludwig, pulled him down by his tie, and kissed him as thanks for the evening with a little flare.

With the thought buried in their minds that this would be among the last few of their kisses before Ludwig would have to leave, it grew more passionate and the lust behind it began to grow. By the time they managed to get to the bedroom, both of their ties were off as well as their blazers. Just before the two of them crashed onto the bed Feliciano's button up was cast to the side. Their lips met once more, causing arousing sparks to be sent throughout their bodies as Feliciano snuck his hands up and began to unbutton Ludwig's shirt.

After the loss of Ludwig's shirt, there was no more loss of clothing, everything from the waist down remained on, much to Ludwig's dismay, but Feliciano just couldn't figure out if he just wasn't ready yet, or if he just didn't want to rush this feeling. If they were going to do this, he wanted it to be because of pure, undying love, not because they felt that they were running out of time to get the chance to.

Even though they never went any farther sexually, it was still one hell of a night.

Feliciano watched as Ludwig's beautiful eyes fluttered open, focusing on Feliciano. His eyes seemed to soften as he reached his hand out and attempted to smooth down that single, stubborn curl that Feliciano has down onto his head.

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