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It's been three years since Feliciano and Ludwig have reunited. Ludwig has graduated from college and has now taken up a job as a lawyer in the States alongside Feliciano who works at his restaurant. As soon as Ludwig graduated, he moved down to the States, and so did Folkert. There was no reason for him to stay in Germany now that Ludwig had no reason to stay so he found a house to live in not too far from Ludwig and Feliciano's house. Lovino has long since moved in with Antonio at their house many years ago, while Ludwig had moved in with Feliciano at their house. It was perfect.

Today Ludwig got off work early but Feliciano had to stay to help out at the restaurant, so he surprised him by showing up on his way home. He had something he wanted to ask him.

Ludwig was grateful that this was a nice restaurant because otherwise he would have felt a little awkward walking in wearing a suit and tie. The other employees and a few of the customers greeted him as he passed by. He said hello back to them as he made his way over to where he knew Feliciano would be, the kitchen.

Just as he was about to go through the doors someone grabbed him by the arm. He turned around to see a boy who couldn't have been older than 17.

"Sir, you can't go in there," he said.

Ludwig was confused at first but then he realized something. "You're new here aren't you?"

"Yeah, so?"

"That's what I thought," he said as he pulled his arm free from his grasp and walked through the doors.


"Dude, what are you doing?" a waiter asked the boy.

"That guy with the suit just walked into the kitchen!"

"Was he tall?"


"Blond hair?"


"Kinda muscular with a German accent?"

"Yes... what does this have to do with anything?"

"Yeah, that's Ludwig leave him be."

"Why though?"

"He's cool, and he's dating the boss."

"Oh..." he said.

Ludwig heard the exchange from the other side of the door and chuckled to himself. Yeah, he was quite known around here I guess you could say.

He walked up behind Feliciano who was currently at one of the stoves, mixing a pot of sauce.

"Hey babe," he said before taking hold of Feliciano's chin and giving him a quick kiss.

"Ludwig? Why're you here, did you get off early?"

"Yeah," he said peeking over Feliciano's shoulder to look at the sauce. "You forgot the basil leaf."

Feliciano chuckled, "I put it in there don't worry, I don't forget my basil leaf unlike you." He gave him a cheeky grin.

Ludwig ran a hand through his hair, "I still can't believe that's all I had to do, I even said it and you still didn't tell me."

"It's fun watching you struggle," he said, giving his sauce a taste. He held up the spoon to Ludwig's mouth for him to taste and he accepted it gladly.

"Damn that's good. I'm going to guess you haven't eaten yet?"

"No. I haven't, do you want to go somewhere?"

"Yeah, there's this really good Italian place called Salice."

Feliciano laughed, "Alright just let me change clothes and then we can get a table. Terry! Take over for me I'm done for tonight!"

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