Chapter 10

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Even though the sun had not been gone but for a mere 15 minutes, all of the heat that came with the sun had vanished along with its bright rays. The breezes became colder, and Feliciano was beginning to shiver in his sleep.

Ludwig slowly uncoiled himself from Feliciano's body and stood, careful not to wake him. Then he bent down and picked him up, one hand underneath his thighs and the other around his back. Even in his sleep Feliciano could sense where the heat was coming from and he lied his head on his chest, his arms clutched close to his own chest in an attempt to conserve heat.

Ludwig carried him along the path, through the campus, and back to the house. He didn't care about all of the strange looks that some of the other strangers gave him as he passed. He just wanted to get Feliciano home so that he could be warm. The cold was starting to effect himself too, he could feel himself shivering with each passing breeze. It was a strange sensation, to have your face burning hot yet freezing cold at the same time.

By the time he made it back, he believe he made record time. 6:45 pm read the clock. He set Feliciano down on the couch and covered him with a blanket. The house was just as it was when they left it, which meant that Lovino hadn't been by yet.

Just as he sat down on the opposite love seat Feliciano sat up, rubbing his eyes.

And then his stomach growled.

"You hungry?" asked Ludwig. Feliciano nodded but didn't say anything at first. He was like this when he first woke up, he was quiet and he almost seemed lost like he couldn't quite remember who he was, but that all seemed to pass over after a few moments.

It was only then that Ludwig realized how hungry he was. They had eaten a few poptarts while they waited for Francis in the morning, and then they ate a few granola bars while they unpacked with Francis, but besides that they hadn't eaten anything all day. No wonder they were so hungry.

Feliciano stood and stretched. Looking around, he had a confused look on his face. "How... did I get here? The last thing I remember is sitting under the willow tree back on campus." He yawned as he approached Ludwig.

Ludwig shifted in his seat. "That's because you fell asleep, you looked so peaceful that I didn't want to wake you up, so I carried you back."

Feliciano gasped. "You carried me all the way back? That's a long walk though."

"I'm strong it's okay," he joked. Feliciano just smiled gratefully.

"Thank you, but you could have just woken me up."

"No really, it's okay." He stood and began walking to the door again, "Well, I'm hungry too so how about we go somewhere to eat? We're driving, not walking. And by 'we're' I mean me, I'm driving."

Feliciano laughed as he recalled the last time they were in a car together, where Ludwig had told him that if they were ever in a car together again that he would be the one driving. He tossed him the keys and the two of them walked out to the car parked in the driveway.

Once they got in and Ludwig started the car they both immediately reached for the heat controls, their hands bumping into each other. Feliciano recoiled his hand and let Ludwig mess with the controls before he shifted the car into reverse and backed out of the driveway.

"So where would you like to eat?" asked Ludwig after a few minutes of silence.

He thought for a moment, "I don't really know. Are there any new restaurants around?"

"Yeah. I think there are two or three of them around here that just opened. One of them was an Italian place, you want to go there?"

"Not really."

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