Chapter 6

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"Do you want to sit?" asked Ludwig. Feliciano nodded and, with his hand still joined with Ludwig's, began to walk towards the tree, pushing away the low-hanging branches with his one free hand.

Once they finally sat Ludwig let had let go of Feliciano's hand, leaving it cold as the breeze threaded through his empty fingers. As he tucked it into the pocket of his jacket, his elbow brushed up against Ludwig's arm. He had looked up at him at the same time that Ludwig had glanced down at him, and their eyes locked for a few mere seconds. It was in this moment that Feliciano realized how close the two of them were, and proceeded to scoot a couple of inches away from the blond.

"Why are you moving away?" asked Ludwig, seemingly hurt.

Feliciano stopped his movements, "Oh, uh, I just thought that you didn't want me that close."

"No, no. Come on I can see you shivering, come here," Ludwig opened his arm, inviting Feliciano closer. His eyes widened, and his heart fluttered, and he scooted closer despite all of the signs. Burying himself underneath Ludwig's arm and into the side of his body, Feliciano immediately felt warmer, if it was because of Ludwig's body heat or because of the new found blush that was heating his cheeks, he didn't know.

"I like this tree," said Ludwig, "it's peaceful, like this forest."

Feliciano could feel Ludwig's voice rumble in his chest and nodded in agreement, never lifting his head. After a few minutes of watching the leaves roll by which left Feliciano alone with his thoughts, he realized that this seemed to be an oddly intimate position for two guys who were just friends. This, of course, set Feliciano's already red cheeks ablaze and because luck is always siding with him, Ludwig just happened to look down at him with him in such a state.

"Your cheeks are very red, are you really that cold?" he asked, completely oblivious to the situation at hand.

"Maybe a little," said Feliciano as he pushed away from Ludwig and stretched, trying to look casual. Around him the branches hung low, but they created a perfect little area around the trunk where he and Ludwig could sit and not have to deal with leaves in their faces.

"Maybe if we walk some more you'll warm up some, we can come back to here later," said Ludwig as he stood, "here give me your hand I'll help you up."

Tentatively, Feliciano took his hand and was pulled to his feet. The two of them pushed through the low-laying branches and leaves and walked to the path they had been on earlier. A breeze passed them by and Feliciano pulled the oversized jacket closer around him as he looked down both ways of the path. "Which way do you want to go?" he asked.

"If you don't mind I would like to see what is further down this way..." said Ludwig, curious as to where the area beyond where they stood led to. Feliciano nodded and together they began to head down the path deeper into the abyss of colorful trees. Then Ludwig's phone rang.

He shuffled though his pockets before he remembered it was in his coat pocket, and slowly reached toward the pocket of the jacket that Feliciano was wearing and pulled out his phone, "Hello?"

"Heyyyyy bro." It was Gilbert.

Ludwig sighed and stopped walking, "What could you possibly want that you can't get yourself?"

"Ouch, little brother has a bite. Anyway I need you to go to the dorm and bring me my bag, Francis and I are going to copy some of Antonio's homework."

"Why didn't you just bring it with you when you left?"

"We didn't think about it until now. So bring it to me will ya? Thanks bro I owe you one, and you can bring Feliciano along too if you want."

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