Chapter 3 Loki

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Loki stood at the bow of the long ship as it approached the coast. His friend Erik stood beside him. "Why this island Loki, there is nothing for us to plunder. Just a bunch of farmers."

"That's why," he said pointing to the lone figure standing on the cliffs.

"All this for a blond crippled girl?"

"Chieftain Harald Bloodaxe has ordered her death, and that of her village."

"I didn't hear him say that."

"You weren't at the meeting Eric."

"Was my older brother?"


"My father always trusts Haakon more than me!" Eric said angrily.

"He is the eldest."

"Why this girl and this village? My father has never attacked women and children."

"The shaman told him she would ride a dragon to your home and bring an end to your father's rein, and sew discord amongst his sons, and cause the death of your sister."

"I was there when the shaman read the runes. I don't remember that.

"I paraphrased it. So the meaning would be clearer."

"And you're certain that the cripple is the girl the shaman described?"

"This was once my village. I remember when the witch Abigail found her. I immediately knew who and what she was. I tried to convince the people to toss her off the cliff, but Abigail convinced them to spare the girl. I tried to warm the village about her, and the danger she posed. They didn't listen."

"That is a Norse settlement Loki. The clans will not look with favor on us for its destruction."

"Who will know? Your father will pretend to know nothing, so we too will remain silent. Most of the clans are off a Viking to Britain anyway. Once the throne of Norway is vacant and he declares himself king, Harald will subdue the lot of them, and the Danes too."

"I don't think my father desires to be king, he has always been loyal to King Godfrid of Denmark. What makes this girl so important that she is marked for death? She is just a cripple."

"She is a witch. She hasn't a clue of her power. She is from Avalon. I saw her fall from the dragon years ago. It was my arrow that slew the dragon rider and caused the dragon to flee with its dying rider. She was just a child and fell. Abigail found her on the ground before I could get to her, to kill her myself. She has been sheltering her. I will control the dragon. Her death will bring the dragon to me. I believe the dragon has always been close by."

"How do you know she is from Avalon?"

"I was cast out of Avalon. I knew her family. I dared to call for a rebellion against the Three Sisters and discovered a way to control the dragons, bending them to my will. They marooned me here, on this damn island. Flew me on dragon-back and left me. I hate all of them. We will make Brieanna's death long and entertaining. Perhaps the blood eagle will loosen her tongue. She will call the dragon to her in her agony. Then we will take her head to our Chieftain. I've been planning this for six years. On Avalon she would be seen as fair and beautiful. I doubt if my fellow villagers would see beyond her crippled leg."

"Why hasn't the dragon shown itself?"

"No idea. She was a child and a cripple. But the dragon has sworn to protect her family."

They had over a dozen ships as they landed on the beach of the islands little harbor. The small fleet of fishing boats were on rollers and the raiders elected to leave them as they were of little use to them. The island's fleet of larger ships were out on trading voyages. The men left their ships and began preparing for battle. They drank heavily and began working themselves into trance-like fury. Many took off their mail-coats dressing only in wolf or bear skins, and growling and biting their wood shields marched out. They rushed to the village finding it empty.

"Where is everybody?" Erik asked.

"They saw our approach, or the little cripple got to them in time," Loki said. "They were setting up a cave to take refuge in when I left. I remember where it is. We'll smoke them out. Have the men stand down. Let's take the food they were preparing, they won't need it." They ate the food the village had been preparing then captured the geese and chickens they found and collected the feathers. Loki easily located the hidden cave. Then using a large amount of dry drift wood they started a fire in the narrow cave mouth. Then they added green wood, animal dung and the chicken and goose feathers. Then using several shields began fanning the smoke into the cave opening.

The Bezerkers laughed as they began to hear the villagers screaming in terror and cough as they rushed to the opening. Only twenty of the villagers made it through the cave opening only to be cut down with axes and spears. In a little more than twenty minutes all sighs of life from within the cave had ceased. The Bezerkers continued to fan their toxic mix into the cave.

"Do you think we got them all?" Erik asked.

"Most likely, but we need to search the island too. We can't enter the cave until the vapors clear and that will take weeks. I hate to return to the king without at least the girls head."

"We can return in the fall," Erik said. "She will be easy to find because of her hair color and leg. We can return with her head then. It will be cold enough to butcher all the cattle too. A rich harvest for the taking."

"Let's just leave the village as it is, organize several search parties. We can send them out in the morning. I was hoping to enjoy some of the village women. At least we know we got them all."


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