Chapter 11 Shield-maiden

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"I have a question for you Abby."

"Ask away."

"How come I've always lived with you even though Oother owned me?"

"I asked him to let me keep you. He was the one who kept the village from tossing you off the cliff when I found you."

"I don't remember that!"

"Loki insisted that you were a useless cripple and feeding you would be a waste of limited resources."

"I think I remember Loki. I didn't like him at all."

"Oother is my cousin. I had lost my husband and two daughters to a fever the previous winter."

"Abby...I'm so sorry!" Brieanna hugged her friend.

"You have been like a daughter to me. I think Oother intended that."

"He had tears in his eyes when he brought Aednat to me when he thought she had drown."

"He will never admit this, but he cares deeply for everyone in our community. His great-grandfather founded the colony, his grandfather was the first to be born here."

"Why do they call you a witch?"

"I have knowledge of herbs. I am an accomplished midwife. I dabble with the rune stones."

"Rune stones?"

"Sometimes they give directions and guidance. Occasionally you can see a glimpse of the future. Usually you see nothing but letters."

"You'll have to show Sam and me."

"Aednat is still sleeping," Abigail said smiling at the child.

"We rode the horses all over the valley. I think I tired her out. I'll carry her over to the long house. I need to start the morning meal preparations. The men will be back from the fields soon." They walked over and Brieanna started a fire in the pit. A large cauldron of oats had been boiled last night and a second heating was needed to finish the cooking. By the time the milkmaids and men had returned she had sausage, cheese, flat bread and porridge prepared and ready to serve. Aednat was awake and wanted to sit on Sam's lap.

"I really miss eggs with our morning meal," Sam said.

"It will be a while before we can have them. The Vikings killed most of the chickens and geese," Abigail said.

"They only took the feathers," Brieanna added. "Luckily several avoided capture so we will have more by autumn. What were you and the men all out doing?"

"Hoeing the vegetables, I like to do it before the sun gets too hot."

"Are you going to leave me alone in bed every morning once we are married and go a hoeing?" Brieanna asked coyly causing smiles and some quiet laughter amongst the staff.

"No sweetheart, it's a plowing I'll be doing then." Sam's remark had several of the staff laughing loudly and Brieanna blushing.

Later that morning they walked hand and hand to Oother's long house. They were wearing the chain mail. Sam had his sword slung from his belt. Brieanna because of her short stature had hers slung across her back. Sam handed his blade to Oother.

"This is Irish made. Excellent workmanship. It's not as heavy as a Norse sword, which is better for you Brie. The handle is for two handed use and the guard straight and longer than ours."

"What's that big round circular thing on top the handle?" Brieanna asked.

"A pommel. It balances the weight of the sword. It's useful in breaking heads. Let me see your sword Shield-maiden." Brieanna handed her sword to Oother. "You chose well, yours is just a little shorter and very lite. These are excellent. Where did you find them?"

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