Chapter 45 Midsummer's Eve

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Sam was up early to get the fire burned down to coals and mount the pig on the spit. George, Bill and Duane were there to take turns turning the pig slowly as it roasted. "This is a rather large pig," George said.

"Mom said she is expecting about forty guests all total," Sam said. "Duane how did Gwen rope you into the cooking?" Sam teased.

"It's hard to say no to her," Duane said softly as the other men laughed. They lifted the pig that was secured to a large pole placing it on two thick 'Y' shaped branches driven into the ground and began turning the pig.

"How long does it take to cook a pig?" Bill asked.

"Six or seven hours," Sam replied.

"Where have the girls been for the last two days?" George asked.

"They flew to the Faroe Islands and to Harald Bloodaxe's home to visit friends and Gwen's family. Iceland too," Sam said.

"Did you see what Ruthie had on?" Bill said.

"They were dresses as Valkyrie," Sam said smiling.

"She was half naked!" Bill persisted, "Not that I'm complaining. Ruthie is a beautiful woman."

"Mom helped them make the outfits," Sam said, "Brie and I supplied the swords. Brie was very 'energized' last might when they got back. She said with the five of them arriving four dragons they were a tremendous hit."

"Five?" George asked.

"Aednat insisted on going along," Sam said.

"I hope Gwen wears her Valkyrie dress to the feast," Duane said.

"That may be a bit too much for some of our guests," George said, "some of them are a stick-in-the-mud!"

Soon they were called into the house for the morning meal. "You young folk go first," George said, "I want to eat with Jayne, when she finally arrives."

Gwen and Susan had spent the night in Sam's home and Ruth had walked over with her mother to help with breakfast. They were also in the process of baking bread. The women had dressed in their Valkyrie outfits and were serving breakfast. "I made a ton of eggs with cheese," Brieanna said.

"And some of the dark bread too," Sam said as her embraced her.

"I prefer it to the white bread we have here," Brieanna said. "And we made honey mead before we left for the guests too."

"The dark bread is really heavy and chewy," Duane said as he bit into a piece. "You look so beautiful today Gwen."

"Am I not beautiful on other days?" Gwen said pouting and teasing.

"Citizen Gwen and I will be dressed more traditionally after bathing," Brieanna said.

"Yes, Citizen Brie, we'll save out Valkyrie attire for special occasions."

"Are you going to call each other Citizen all day?" Sam teased.

"Why yes, it will announce to everyone we are now both full citizens," Brieanna teased smiling with mischief. "We are off to bathe now." She sat on Sam's lap and bit his ear and blew in it. "Girls only."

"Gwen is going to drive you nuts Duane," Sam said.

"She already does!"

The guests had started to arrive and assemble for the feast. The men had improvised long tables and benches to accommodate their guests. Aednat was playing with several other children as Ma-Doo pulled them around in a wagon Sam had built for the purpose. Using large knives the pig was deboned and the meat chopped. They also served dark and white bread, applesauce, pickled cabbage and fresh green beans. A variety of fruit pies and small cream filled cakes rested on the desert table which was visited frequently by Aednat and her friends.

"Your honey mead is excellent," George said.

"Thank you, Sam plans to sell it at his booth in the village market."

"Try some of the dark beer," Sam said, "Brie made that too."

Later that night Sam and Brieanna were sitting and gazing at the stars. "The sky here is always so clear," Sam said.

"I enjoy seeing the golden towers in the distance, but at night without a moon they are all but gone," Brieanna said.

"Are you happy that we have returned?"

"Yes, except for that issue we had with your family I fully expect to leave a quiet, but eventful life. Did you locate your birth mother?"

"Yes, we met for the first time while you were off ridding your dragon."

"Will I get to meet her?"

"Yes, she wants to meet you and Nit. I like her."

"Well you should, she's your mother."

"I remember her as my favorite nanny when I was young. She was warm and kind not at all like Brenda. One day she simply disappeared."

"It must have been hard for her," Brieanna whispered.

"You mentioned an eventful life, what are you planning my little vixen?"

"You'll just have to wait Sam, my Mom said it will take about seven or eight more months," Brieanna said looking into his eyes smiling. Sam held her and kissed her and put his hand gently on her belly.

"How long have you known?"

"I was hoping I was with child, Mom confirmed it tonight." Then looking a little worried, her face flushed, "What do you think?"

"I think it's wonderful, I love you more each and every day. He lifted her into his arms carrying her into their home.

"Sam what are going to do?" she said giggling.


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