Chapter 4 Dragon

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Sam was still tied to the trunk high in the giant oak as he saw a group of men tracking their route from yesterday. He had slept fitfully and was surprised to see the men following their trail. He descended the tree and walked to the cave and began tossing pebbles into the cave. After several pebbles landed in the cave he saw Brieanna standing in the entrance. "We are being tracked Brie, go deep into the cave. I'll lead them off." She nodded grimly and retreated as Sam rolled in the flowers leaving the impression that someone had slept there. Then he was off leaving trail for the Vikings to follow.

Brieanna took the soapstone lamp she had topped off with oil, and with her flint and steel, she crept deeper into the cave. When she was sure a lamp light would not be seen, she used the steel and flint to light the lamp. She carried Sam's knife in her belt. Holding the lamp high she crept deeper into the cave. The cave had been narrow but as she pushed deeper it opened up, and soon she was in a huge gallery. The cave was cool and so very quiet. She noticed a faint light ahead and continued toward the light. Soon she realized that the light was caused by several gaping fissures high above her in the gallery. The light played along the walls of the cavern in a pattern of bright reflection and shadows. The cool air of the cavern was dry and she heard the song of birds that nested in the fissures high above her head. "This is so beautiful," she whispered to herself. Her cane made a tapping sound that echoed through the cavern as she walked. She paused to turn a full circle to view the cavern. Then she head it, soft breathing. Something nearby, and hidden in shadow was approaching. She froze.

"Who dares enter my cave?" a deep voice hissed.

"Please...I mean you no harm." The dragon stepped into view. It was huge. Brieanna was terrified. "Don't eat me...Don't..."

"I'll not eat you. You're not even a decent mouthful."

"I'm Brieanna. I came in your cave only to hide."

"You have the aura of a witch, perhaps you can help me."

"Aura? I'm just a girl, a cripple. If I could, I would help you."

"I have a bad tooth or something, if you could make it stop hurting I would be grateful."

"If you could lay down in the light I will look at it." The dragon lay on the floor of the cave and opened its mouth." Brieanna was shocked to see an ax head embedded deep in the gum between two pointed teeth. "Does this tooth hurt?" she asked touching the tooth with side of her knife. The dragon winced and nodded. "This one too?" she asked touching the adjacent tooth.

"Yes, it hurts so bad I can't eat. It hurts everywhere."

"Your teeth are fine. You have an ax head embedded in the gum between your teeth. The wound has abscessed. You will lose both teeth and possibly succumb to the infection unless I remove the ax."

"Well pull the damn thing out!" the dragon said. Brieanna tried several timed to loosen the ax without success.

"The wooden ax handle has rotted away, I can't get enough leverage."

"It's been there several years, little one."

"I have an idea, you will need to trust me to leave you. I will be right back."

"Why should I trust you, a human?"

"I trusted you, you big oaf!" she replied tartly. "I had to climb into your huge mouth to reach the ax and your teeth!"

"OK, I will trust you. Come back alone."

"It's just little me in the cave." Holding her lamp Brieanna retraced her steps. She took a length of rope and her bouquet of flowers and returned.

The Dragon's RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now