Chapter 6 A Dragon's Tale

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Brieanna sat on the ground with her knees bent her thighs touching her chest. She wrapped her arms around her legs and chin resting on her knee as she listened while Dreki lay in the flowers next to her and spoke softly. "There was once a handsome young dragon."

"Like you Dreki?"

"No," Dreki said smiling at her, "Much more handsome and much younger than I. This dragon was bonded to one of the Three Sisters. Her name was Aryanna. Her name meant 'holy one'. She was known for her for beauty and her gift of discernment as she and her sisters ruled Avalon and all of Fata Morgana. The people had prospered for centuries by keeping the covenant they had made with the gods. The young dragon was happy and above all proud to serve the beautiful Aryanna."

"What did Aryanna look like?"

"She was described as beautiful. Her hair glowed like a unicorn's mane, and her dark eyebrows arched slightly. Her eyes color shifted."

"What does that mean?"

"In the bright sun her eyes glowed a golden yellow. In the shade a more copper red."

"My eyes are plain brown," Brieanna said. "How tall was she?"

"A little taller than you," Dreki said with a smile. "And your eyes are definitely not plain brown."

"Everyone is taller than me!" she said softly and sighed.

"May I continue?"


"Avalon is a republic and most problems are handled by the judges. In complicated or unprecedented disputes the Three Sisters make the judgment."

"I like that, women should be in charge," Brieanna stated firmly. "Look at the mess the men have made of everything, always going to war. Tell me about Aryanna's two sisters?"

"They were not really sisters, it's a title. They were witches and dragon riders. They hold their office for a prescribed time then step down. Now as for the dragon..."

"What was the dragon's name?" Brieanna asked interrupting.

"You sure interrupt a lot little one! I do not recall the dragon's name."

"Did Aryanna have ears like mine?"

"I believe so."

"Does everyone on Avalon have pointed ears?"

"No, It's a rare trait."

"My boyfriend has ears like mine."

"May I get back to my sorry? You can tell me your story after."

"I'm sorry Dreki, I love your story."

"One day Aryanna's husband was killed. No one knew who or why. Murder is so very rare in Avalon. His was the first in over two centuries. Aryanna took it very hard. She and her children's grief was profound. She stepped down from her post and went into seclusion. The young dragon was heartbroken too. He was willing to do and risk anything to bring her and her children some solace. Then one day her son asked if the dragon would fly him to the world beyond the veil. Knowing the risk the dragon agreed."

"Where is beyond the veil?"

"Here, this world. They were flying very low over an island of snowcapped mountains when a man on the ground fired an arrow. It struck the young man's heart, and he died as he bled out finally falling into the sea."

"That is sad Dreki."

"That is not all. The dragon if he had been half as brave as he thought he was, he would have returned the young man to his grieving mother, then entered the void seeking eternal oblivion. But the dragon for all his bluster was a coward and simply flew away."

"Do dragons always fly into oblivion when their rider dies?"

"It is what is done."

"When I die Dreki promise me that you will live on. I want you to have a long happy life with lots of little dragons." Dreki was moved by her statement. Trying very hard to display no emotions Dreki spoke softly.

"I love you Brie, we are truly bonded. You will always be my dragon-rider and I your dragon."

"That was a beautiful story and so sad. I wish I was a witch too," Brieanna sighed, then told her story beginning when she fell to earth and ending when she and the dragon met. It was late in the evening when they finished story telling. "I'm very tired I think I'll nap in the cave."

"I will cloak the entrance so it is invisible to any that look."

"My boyfriend may come looking for me."

"He knows the cave and will retain his vision of it. I must feed. I have been unable to hunt for months."

"I'm not on the menu?" Brieanna asked coyly. Dreki laughed.

"Not unless you're a fish."

"Dreki, was the story true?"

"All legions have their basis in truth. I'm sure there is much more to the tale, many details unspoken of, or forgotten."

"Will I see you in the morning?"

"Not sure. If I am present only you will see me. I will remain cloaked unless needed. Sleep well little one. You will be safe in the cave. Look around and help yourself to anything you find of use."

"Good night Dreki." Brieanna climbed into the cave then wrapping herself in her blanket slept easily at first.


That night Brieanna slept restlessly tossing as she dreamed. She dreamed that she was in the dragon's story. She stood at a grave site holding hands with a woman dressed in black. The woman's long hair was the same color as hers and she was weeping softly as she held Brieanna's hand. Standing opposite the woman was a tall young man not more than sixteen or seventeen. He was also holding the woman's hand. They walked together toward a home crossing a wheat field, and in the distance she could see gleaming roofs and towers covered in gold of a city in the distance.

Then her dream started again and she was riding on the back of a dragon, Dreki. A young man was sitting behind her. They had flown through some dark airless frozen void and were circling down lower and lower toward an island, her island. She saw the arrow as it flew past her ear and heard it striking the young man behind her. The dragon had made a twisting maneuver to avoid the arrow climbing quickly gaining altitude when she had lost her balance. She was falling and falling endlessly when something arrested her fall and her left leg was jerked upward as her knee popped. Then she settled softly to the ground and lost consciousness. She dreamed the dream several times that night and in the morning remembered little of it.

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