Chapter 10 Witch

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Brieanna and Sam held hands as they walked together along the cliff face. Aednat ran ahead of them. "That was quite a night," Sam said as they walked.

"I was so scared we lost her."

"You're a witch officially now," Sam teased.

"And everyone knows it."


"Yes. Abigail thinks it's wonderful. Watch this," Brieanna held her right hand in a cupping shape and thought fire and a small fire appeared in her hand.

"Not even a fortnight has passed since we were freed and so much has happened," Sam said.

"What are your plans for today?"

"I'm taking the men with me and we will cut peat. We need to get a good supply cut and dried or this winter will be cold."

"What are you planning my little mischief maker?"

"The usual, milking cows, churning butter, grinding oats, making bread, and for fun I'm taking Aednat horse riding... Aednat! You're too close to the cliff face, come back here!"

"What has she been calling you?"

"Mamai? It means Mommy."

"I thought you were going to be sisters?"

"She has a mind of her own."

"What does she call me?"

"I'll ask her. Aednat, who is this?" she said pointing.

"Sam," Aednat replied, then laughing, "Da."

"She decided you're her father. How do you feel about being a dad?"

"Actually I kind of like it."

"You're a strange man, Sam."

"What do you mean?" Sam asked feeling surprised and a little apprehensive.

"Not many men would be willing to father another man's child. That makes me love you even more."

"I see it as a package deal, I would take a baker's dozen to have you in my life." Brieanna laughed at his declaration.

"Don't be givin' me ideas!" They continued to walk, "I want to swim, come with me." She took his hand and guided him to her secret pond.

"I'll just sit here with my back to the pond. You and Aednat can swim. I promise not to peek."

"It's OK with me if you do," Brieanna teased. "Aednat let's go swimming."

They were out of their dresses in into the water and Sam enjoyed hearing them laughing together and splashing. He had taken his hat off laying it next to him and had drifted off to sleep. He did not hear a thing as Brieanna whispered and Aednat giggled as the two of them crept up to him, then filling his hat with water dumped over his head and ran back into the pond. He awoke suddenly then standing, and heard the girls giggling.

"We had a short rain squall," Brieanna said looking wide eyed and innocent.

"Rain squall?" Sam repeated.

"A very short squall, it was really isolated." She repeated her statement to Aednat and they both giggled. "Since you're wet come swim with us." Sam stripped off his shirt, socks and boots and walked into the pond and Brieanna jumped onto him dunking him. "Piggy back ride?" Sam spent the next hour giving piggy back rides, allowing the girls to stand on his shoulder and jump off. He spent considerable time dragging Aednat around the pond. Aednat whispered something into Brieanna's ear and she whispered back causing Aednat to laugh.

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