Chapter 32 The Challenge

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As the meal began Brieanna again approached Harald and Inga with gifts. She also presented the brothers Haakon and Eric with gifts.

"Thanks for helping me Gwen, I had no idea what Eric would like."

"He looked shocked when you presented the gifts. He don't know what to think about you."

"Loki's strength comes from his ability set the stage, to define those that oppose him," Brieanna said, "We need to take that from him. Not letting him define me has stood me well. Your father has not denounced me."

"What is your next move?"

"I'll issue a challenge and demand a Holmgang."

"A trial by combat!" Gwen gasped. Brieanna nodded.

Sam entered the hall and took a seat next to Brieanna, and Gwen seated Eric and Haakon between her and next to Brieanna. She seemed totally unaware of the tension between her brothers and flirted with them equally, serving them, bringing them drinks and joking with them as if they had always acted so.

"It's been so long since I've seen you like this," Eric said looking into her eyes. "You were always such a cheerful little sister."

"Thank you Eric."

"She has been bubbly like this since Brie came to stay with her," Haakon said smiling at Brieanna. Eric glanced at Loki, then back to Gwen.

"I don't understand?" he whispered.

"Do you believe in magic?" Haakon asked.

"I did once."

"It's good to see you talking," Gwen said. "Haakon tell Eric about Astrid."

"She is the most beautiful woman in the world, besides Gwen that is." Gwen laughed. Haakon continued, "I've asked her to marry me and I will, when I get back to Iceland."

"You'll bring her back?"

"No, I will make my life there, just Astrid and me. I'm not cut out to be a chieftain. I want to farm. You would make a much better chieftain. Promise me that you'll visit bro."

"I...I..." Eric looked toward Loki who was busy scowling at Brieanna. "I'm happy for you Haakon."

"I haven't told Dad yet, Mom and Gwen know."

"I'm really going to hate to lose you sis," Eric said choking on his words.

"It's not like I'm going to die!" Gwen said. Eric lost it and ran from the table. He refused to be seen crying. Brieanna followed. "Get away from me destroyer!" he hissed. Brieanna's hand glowed blue as she gently put her hand on his shoulder sending her energy in the form of comfort.

"She will fly away with me to Avalon. Your family knows and approves. She only needs your blessing."


"Why, because she loves you. She wants your blessing. I am offering her a chance to live."

"What's in it for you? Everyone has an angle."

"A lifelong friend, a sister, I love her too Eric. I know the prophesy. It never said she was to die." Eric finally gave into his tears and Brieanna put her arm around him, and Gwen joined them. Brieanna stated the words of the prophesy to Eric.

"That is how I remember it," Eric whispered.

"In Avalon I'll have a chance for a life, I want that Eric!" Gwen whispered.

"I want you to go to Avalon, Gwen," Eric said.

"I needed you to say that, thank you," Gwen whispered. "I will visit, you know, to make sure you behave yourself." Eric laughed.

"I heard you tell Sam you were the mischief sisters," he said.

"Shall we go back?" Brieanna asked.

"I feel like something heavy has been lifted from my heart," Eric said, "thank you. I don't know what to say."

"Nothing needs to be said, this is still far from over." They returned to the table. Eric embraced Haakon as they sat. Gwen was holding both of their hands.

"What have you been up to?" Sam asked.

"Mending fences, that's all."

The dinner ended and Gwen and Brieanna stood to sing. They sang a Danish ballad accompanied by Gwen on the drum and Brieanna on her woodwind. Their performance was cheered and they were encouraged to sing a second song when Loki stood pointing at Brieanna and shouted "Behold the destroyer" The room became deathly quiet. "That woman is the Valkyrie from hell. You all know what the runes said." The crowd began to murmur and Loki again squeezed his bag. "She brings destruction on the house of Harald."

"You dishonor me Loki!" Brieanna shouted standing on the table. "You injure my good name and the name of my family. You rob me and slander me."

"You good name!" Loki scoffed, "you're not but a thrall."

"I am a yeomen, a free woman and shield-woman. I am the dragon rider."

"You just a little slut, the bed slave of the Faroes, come to destroy Harald and his family."

"I claim my right to Holmgang. Let the gods determine the right."

"Stupid woman!" Loki shouted, "You have no rights. I am a man!"

"A man? That is yet to be seen!" Brieanna shouted and many in the room laughed. Loki was livid with anger.

"Call for the Speaker-of-the-law." Haakon ordered. An elderly man and his two young assistants arrived from the village. They had committed the law to memory and were asked to recite the law and comment. The elderly man quoted the law then added.

"Men and women are equal under the law. The shield-woman has the right to request Holmgang the ritual combat to determine the truth."

"Then let it be so!" Harald announced. "Tomorrow at noon you will meet for combat in the Holmhring. You will bring a second, three shields and two swords. The gods will determine the truth."

Sam was shocked by the speed at which everything had fallen apart. His heart was in his throat as he looked at Brieanna as she stood resolute and implacable, a Valkyrie in the truest sense.

"Gwen would you be my second?"

"Yes," she answered without hesitation.

Eric walked to where they were standing, Haakon was holding Gwen. "Loki asked me to be his second."

"Did you accept?"

"I don't know, what...what shall I do?"

"Accept Eric," Gwen said softly, "and see that the bastard don't cheat."

"We trust you Eric, keep it honest, that is the role of the second," Haakon said.

Eric walked to Loki and accepted. Loki smiled and walked off.

"Sam we need to talk," Brieanna said and taking his hand walked to the room they shared.


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