Chapter 17 The Long Winter's Night

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Sam and Brieanna sat together on the ground outside their home. They were sitting on a bearskin robe and wrapped in blankets as they looked into the night sky and the dancing show of lights. "I love the norther lights," Sam said.

"We don't get them every year, usually too much cloud cover."

"This is only my second time seeing them."

"I always hated winter," Brieanna whispered.


"Always dark and cloudy. Daylight only last five to six hours. The cold night goes on forever."

"I like the slower pace. There's still livestock to take care of but at less of an urgency."

"I still have to cook."

"Yes, but you have me grinding the grain."

"I do appreciate all your help."

"So why do you hate winter?"

"I don't anymore." She slid closer and lay her head on his shoulder. "My bed is no longer cold."

"So I'm your bed warmer?" Sam's statement had Brieanna laughing.

"My own personal bed warmer."

"Is that all?"

"My cuddle bunny."

"So you're saying I'm warm and cuddly?" That statement had Brieanna laughing even louder. "What else do you like about winter now my little elf?"

"I get to stay in my warm bed longer."


"No!" she whispered then giggled and bit his ear. "Let's go inside, I'm getting cold." Sam lifted her and carried her to their room.

During the brief daylight hours Sam walked with Aednat and Brieanna along the cliffs. Brieanna loved the bearskin robe Sam had purchased for her and wore it during their walks. Aednat also wore a coat made of white stoat skin. The thick white hair of the coat keeping her warm and dry. "I heard you and Old William planning for next year's crops," Brieanna said.

"He set up a rotation schedule for me to follow. I never knew there was so much to farming."

"Do you enjoy farming?"

"Yes, my parents were shopkeepers. They sold perfumes, scented soaps and lotions. My parents have a real genius for blending scents. I don't know if I could do that for a lifetime."

"Are you good at it too?"

"No," Sam laughed. "My parents claimed I couldn't tell a turnip from an onion. Lemuel was truly gifted."

"I have often wondered what my parents did."

"Any memories?"

"I have seen in my dreams fields of grain, and a distant city with domes and towers covered in gold."

"That's Avalon."

"Did you live in Avalon?"

"Briefly while I petitioned the Three Sisters. I grew up in a small village ten miles north of Avalon."

"Is that where you learned to speak Norse, in Avalon?"

"Yes, I was given extensive training in language and custom before I was permitted to come here."

"To bad you didn't find Lemuel. Any regrets?"

"None at all, I found you Brie. My time with you has been filled with happiness."

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