Chapter 3

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Melina was in the conference room which was full of elders, talking at the same time . She sensed right away, that someone went trough the shield. Elders stopped  talking the minute her eyes  shined with blue light. They knew something big was happening.

"Someone went to the other side. The Shadows have already sensed the energy disturbance. They will send someone here for sure. We must find, who was the one that left. If that person has powers, will be tracked down immediately  but if not he has a chance. One way or another we cannot go search and risk Utopia's safety. No one can go out. We must stay low, for now."

Nora came in running. As soon as she saw Melina, she yelled

"Electra.... Electra passed the limit and vanished. I couldn't find her anywhere."

Melina felt despair. She couldn't change fate after all.

~ Outside Utopia~

The day was scorching hot and Nick had to change his every day schedule. He took Jack for a walk, late in the afternoon, instead of the morning walk, they usually had. The sun was setting and Nick  called his dog one more time. It  was time to go back.

"Jack, come here boy!"  Jack was nowhere to be found.

He was walking towards the river. Jack, his Golden Retriever, must have followed its little friend, that showed up earlier, out of nowhere. It was a cute little white Pomeranian and its name was Magic, according to its collar.

He kept calling. Suddenly he heard barking.

"Jack, come here"  Jack kept barking  from the same  spot. Nick  followed  the sound.

As he approached, he saw Jack, still barking, walking anxiously around a body, leaned against the edge of the bridge. Nick started running. When he got there, his eyes opened wide in surprise. A young lady with braided hair was lying unconscious.

Jack kept moving around whimpering. Nick unsuccessfully tried to bring the girl round.

"We must take her with us boy" Nick  put his arms around her. The girl mumbled something and fainted again.

His house was  a two floor cottage in the forest. It wasn't easy to open the locked door having a body in his arms but he managed. Jack rushed in before him. Nick put the girl on the sofa. He felt her head. It was hot. She moved and tried to open her eyes. Nick spoke to her gently.

"Don't move. You are safe now. You fainted."

The girl managed to open her big black eyes. Nick was impressed . In fact she was beautiful in a very special way.

Electra looked at the stranger in front of her. He  was a good looking tall man. 'Where am i?Who is he?' she thought. She looked around her. She really was on the other world, Melina was talking  about ? Everything  was similar to the houses in Utopia, but at the same time felt different.

She tried to stand up.

"Where am i and who are you?" She put her hands on her head  and put pressure on it trying relieve the pain. Her head was killing her and she felt like her body was burning .

"How do you feel?" Nick asked ignoring her question.

"My head hurts a lot"  said the girl and grimaced in pain.

''Wait a moment please."

Nick left the room to come back after a while, holding painkillers and water. He helped her take the medicine.

"I am Nick. I found you unconscious by the river bridge. If you were there for a long time,  it is highly likely that you suffered a sunstroke. The day was very hot today."

Music began to play. It was coming from Nick's trouser pocket. Electra was very impressed when she saw him taking a little flat box out and speaking on it as if someone was listening. Was that the telephone that Nora had told her about? Their eyes crossed, as Nick looked at her amazed expression. Electra turned away hastily. She was in a different world. How was she going to go back? Why did nobody come after her all day? She didn't move from the bridge, although the sun was burning, so if someone from Utopia came looking for her, could find her. What was she supposed to do now? She was trapped in a world she knew nothing about and she didn't know anyone, except the man who helped her. She started studying the man in front of her. He was tall, in his late twenties with brown hair and his eyes had the color of honey. His eyes seemed clear and honest. 'I think i can trust him' Electra thought.He seemed like a good person.

Nonetheless she couldn't let anyone discover that she didn't belong in this world. As Melina warned her, the existence of Utopia had to remain a secret forever.

Nick, who up until then was on the phone, pressed a button and put it back in his pocket.

"Are  you feeling better now?" asked.

"Yes, thank you."

"Would you like to tell me what a little girl like you, was doing alone in the woods?" 

She had to put together a believable story. She had to be careful. Melina always told her that, if she ever was to meet a stranger, she had to say she had a family. They were a lot of bad people, who could easily hurt someone, especially if there wasn't anyone to care.

"I am not a little girl. I am an adult. I come from a very closed society. Our community  doesn't have anything to do with evolution and technology. They stay the same through time . Everything that broadens the mind is considered a sin there . I didn't want to live like that, so i ran away. No one is allowed to have any contact with the world outside and if someone wants to leave is considered as a traitor.Even if i wanted to go back now, they wouldn't take me back easily. I broke the rules." She mentally congratulated herself. How grateful she was now, for the sociology class she had and always hated in school.

Before Nick could ask her anything else a cheerful voice  was heard from the hall.

"Hello!! Anyone here?"

A young lady, probably a little older than her, appeared at the door with Jack  jumping up and down around her. She was surprised when she saw the stranger but she regained her wide smile and approached the two of them looking at Nick.

When she was close to the sofa, she turned to the girl and introduced herself:

"Hi! I am Isidora. Nick's sister"

The girl shook Isidora's hand.

"Hello!  My name is Electra"

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