Chapter 8

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Electra anxiously tried to find the WC. She didn't want to ask anybody in case they noticed her condition. The pain was almost unbearable and she staggered. The corridor seemed to be endless. 'It is over. I can't do anything more. Everyone will know' were her last thoughts before she fainted. Two strong hands grabbed her before she reached the floor.

Ares saw her losing her consciousness and managed to brace her before she hit the ground. He went to the elevators. There was always a room available for him and his cousin.  He took the card out of his pocket and opened the door.

He gently put Electra on the bed and he went to sit at the armchair next to bed. He knew what was about to happen. He had been there himself. Suddenly Electra opened her glowing eyes and sat on the bed. Ares went to sit next to her. Outside the window clouds  were gathering in the night sky. Electra screamed and doubled up with pain. The sky outside was torn in two by a lightning and as Electra was tearing, raindrops started hitting on the window. Ares hugged her.

He felt sorry for her. Such a small body how could she bear such a burden, he wondered. After a while her body relaxed in his arms. He knew it was over. How many powers was she going to have? When his father sent him to their cottage he told him about the disturbance on the energy near Utopia. They new someone was out of Utopia but they didn't know who. Any means of communication with Utopia for safety reasons were stopped. The person that was out couldn't be found which meant, he or she didn't have any powers.   If Ares hadn't heard her thoughts of Utopia in the cafe, he wouldn't have found her. The problem was that Kevin heard her also.

Electra was coming around. The rain stopped but the heavy clouds remained.

"I can't take it anymore. When is it going to stop?" she moaned,  putting her hands against her head.

"Don't worry. Eventually it will stop"he told her softly.

Electra was surprised as she believed she was alone. When she realized that his hands were around her all this time, she pulled away. 'How come Ares was next to me the two out of the three times, when my powers appeared ?'she thought.'Is he charismatic or Shadow?'

She couldn't analyze anything now. She felt as if her brain had melted. Every time that she gained a power it was more difficult to bear than the previous.

She tried to stand up but her legs were still too weak and she collapsed. Ares immediately put his hands around her to help her. The room's  door opened. The surprised faces of Isidora and Kevin were watching them.

Electra distance herself from Ares.

"Isidora" she stammered. Although she knew nothing  crafty happened among the two of them, she knew how the situation seemed.

Isidora turned her back and left. After she opened up to Electra the previous night about her interest in Ares, she felt betrayed.

"Well well what's happening here cousin?" Kevin seemed content. His plan was working. He wanted to alienate Electra from everyone. She shouldn't have someone to run to, except him.  His father saw Ares with Electra and warned him.

Electra ran after Isidora feeling guilty.

"What are you trying to do?" asked Ares .

"Me nothing. Isidora was looking for you. You know she likes you. Since i knew that the place you probably would be was this room i brought her here. How could i know that you were with Electra. You shouldn't use your shield. Then i would have known." He didn't look sorry at all. Ares knew that nothing of what he did was by chance.

"You know that i have no interest in Isidora. Don't interfere"he said to Kevin as he left the room.

The rest of the night was full of tension among Isidora and Electra. After they arrived home Electra tried time and time again to explain that she had no interest in Ares, but Isidora wasn't listening.

Before dawn Electra woke up and silently left. She had already written a letter to the family to thank them once more and to promise that she would repay them.

When Helen went to her store in the morning, she found Electra sitting on the threshold, in front of the door and she welcomed her warmly.

"Later i will take you to see the studio" she said.

The studio  was at the last floor of a two floor building. It had its own entrance . The room was spacious. A bed was at one side and a closet at the other. The kitchen cabinets were painted yellow and that made the already bright place seem even brighter.A small table and four chairs were placed near the servery. Electra liked it at first glance.

"Are these the only things you have?"

"Yes i don't need much." Truth was although the family bought her clothes, she left most of them behind and took only the necessary with her. Her size was the same as Isidora's so she could use them since they were new. Once again her life was changing course.

The first evening wasn't easy for Electra. It was the first time she was all alone. Helen sent George to bring her a small television. Later she visited Electra herself to bring her some food and cake she baked.  She had seen the girl's troubled eyes through the day and felt sorry. If her daughter was alive she would be a little older than Electra. That was what she was thinking and felt protective of her.

When Helen left, Electra tried to sleep, but instead she ended up looking at the shadow's shapes, that the lamps outside created at the ceiling.  Late at night her eyes started blurring and glowing and a scene like from a movie appeared before her.

Melina, a lot younger version of her, was sitting in, what appeared, a hospital's corridor. Her eyes were glowing, although she was trying to hide them, Electra could see the light coming out of them. After a while she stood up. Two strange men who were standing a little further away,  facing one another and pretending to talk, watched her and were ready to follow her. Melina turned into a corner watched if someone was around and disappeared leaving a water like figure. Apparently, only Electra could see her figure, because, although she passed in front of the two men, they couldn't sense her. Melina went into a room. Electra followed her in. A woman  was sleeping in the bed. Next to her in a cradle there was a baby. Judging from the pink blanket it was a girl. Melina tenderly took the baby in her  arms, making it disappear too. The woman in the bed turned in her sleep. Now Electra could see her face and was startled. The face she was looking at was Angel's. She was younger but it was her.

Everything fell into place but Electra was in shock. After the  party she felt so sad with everything that happened, that she didn't even have time to think of her new power. She obviously could see the past, that was her new power. How could Melina and Angel  be related to each other. Who was the baby? Was she herself? Was she related to the family? Was she their missing child?

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