Chapter 6

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On the way back Ares new that Kevin would have a million questions to ask him about Electra but he avoided opening any conversation.

Electra couldn't sleep all night. Everything was changing to fast. What has happened  to her was too frightful and the next day would be the first day of her new life. Added the fact that she didn't have any clue what to do with her life in the future, she was at her wits end.

The city was big  and nothing  like Utopia. Flocks of people were everywhere.The family's house was big. Electra was to stay in the same room with Isidora.

The same evening at the dinner table she wanted to express her gratitude:

"Thank you very much for everything you are doing for me. As soon as i find a job, i will look for a place to rent and move out. I will repay you for everything you've done for me."

Angel stood up and hugged her "My dear, don't think that way. We want you to stay here, for as long as you like. "

Electra felt very lucky she was  found by Nick . That way she met this wonderful family.

Kevin looked at his father's face. The man was furious.

"You are telling me that you found the girl and let Ares take her on their side?"

"He didn't take her on their side.  She came in the city with Dr Alex. She is staying with them. She doesn't seem to know anything yet"

Kevin was shocked by his father reaction. It was the first time he was acting so passionate about a charismatic.

"But he got close to her, while you were enjoying the party " accused him.

"Dad it isn't sure that she is the one. Even if she is, she can't hide anymore. I heard her. She lost her  way to Utopia."

"We must prepare a plan. We should bring her to us. Does she have any powers yet?"

"I searched her mind. No powers yet." That day at the cafe, he heard everything she thought.

"Don' t lose any more time . Try to get close to her before  Ares."

Although Peter, father of Kevin and Lukas father of Ares, were brothers, they had very different personalities. They disagreed all the time and their meetings ended up in huge fights. Lukas always softhearted, honest and faithful, chose to protect the charismatics, the same time that Peter was approached by Shadows and gave in to the absolute power, they promised him. He became the top, on the chain of command in Shadows. He tried multiple times to convert his brother and his nephew with no luck. The only reason Peter allowed his son to be close to Ares was because he thought that way he could have inside information about Utopia. Unfortunately Ares gained the power of the shield. That made things difficult .

Lukas couldn't forgive his brother for the path he took. He warned Ares repeatedly not to trust both father and son. They always had a hidden agenda. On the other hand they were his brother and nephew so he couldn't  cut ties with them.

"Ares you must protect the girl. Don't let her out of your sight. I can't communicate with Utopia for the time being. They can't be reached. They know Shadows are looking for them and they aren't going to appear for a long time. It's our responsibility to take care of her."

Ares knew what his father was talking about. Last time a charismatic came out from Utopia unattended caused the death of people and almost led to the exposure of Utopia.

The doorbell rang.


"Yes mom i am going"

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