Chapter 12

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Electra kept going out with Kevin. He was the friend she needed. He wasn't as serious as Ares and she also had no feelings for him, so their relationship was easy and simple.

As time was passing and everybody was afraid to stir things up. All of them were waiting as if time would solve all the problems. In fact they were all waiting for Electra. Melina was waiting for her forgiveness. Ares was waiting for her to give him a chance to win her trust. Kevin was waiting for her to love him. Peter was waiting for his plan with Kevin to work , so he could have her on his team.

Electra kept denying Kevin's proposal to go and work with him at his father's hotel but he was very persistent. As time was passing he seemed more determined to persuade her and she started to get annoyed by him. The last time he asked her, she told him:

"Stop pressing me. I am not going to leave Helen. She is treating me so good as if she was my true mother. If you won't stop pushing me, we will never see each other again." She was really angry.

The man who was following her, called Peter and reported what he heard. He had the power to hear someone if he concentrated on it. Peter told him to keep watching her.

Ares was looking after Electra from a distance and Lukas, his father, had his man monitoring Peter. Some  charismatics who were  assigned to watch over Electra, reported unusually high concentration of power around her. The Shadows were all around her.

Lukas asked his son to go to his office.

"We have a problem. We cannot leave any more time to pass. The Shadows seem to be ready to make a move. After all these months you have made no progress to get close to Electra while Kevin is getting closer to her."

" She doesn't let me get close to her. I believe she is afraid of me for some reason. " Lukas could understand from Ares's expression he was feeling unhappy.

"Electra is in shock. She learned things about herself that no one could handle easily. As if that wasn't enough, her whole world collapsed. Now she is confused, she doesn't know who to believe or who to trust. That was the reason we had to give her time. Time, that Shadows used for their own  benefit. My spies in the Shadows told me that something big is about to happen in the following days. We must get Electra before they do. You must go and persuade her to come live with us."

Helen felt troubled by Electra's attitude. She liked that girl a lot. She was seeing her daughter in her. She was good and thoughtful and always wanted to help. Even if she had her own problems she was always caring about her. But Helen knew that although she acted as if she was fine, she was never in peace. She always seemed to be absent minded but things got worse after that woman, Melina, came to find her. 

Electra explained everything to Helen except the part of the charismatics, the Shadows and the powers. She didn't know if she would believe her anyway. Helen was shocked when she heard about what Melina had done.

"What a fate!!! Shouldn't you go find your family and tell them what happened?" Electra thought about it a lot before she decided that she shouldn't appear in front of them any more. The scar her kidnapping left in their hearts had healed . How could she go back to them and tell them who she was. It was better to leave things the way they were.Helen couldn't understand why Electra wouldn't go back to her family but she wanted to respect her decision.

Some days later Electra had just left for a walk with Kevin, when Helen heard the bell on top of the door. She thought that Electra had forgot something and had come back to get it. When she turned, the person she faced was a stranger with an unnatural glow in his eyes. Suddenly the lights went off and Helen felt two cold hands around her neck. Her last thoughts were about George and Mary.

Later Electra was passing by the store when she noticed that the light in the back room where Helen was painting were on. She went inside.

"Helen!"  called as she was going to the back .

There was no answer and she started to worry. She got to the back room. Helen's tools were left as if she had just got up and was intending to come back. She hadn't cleaned her brushes and her palette had colors on it. Electra went back to the front of the store and turned the lights on.

"Helen!!" No answer again. The phone on the desk started to ring. Electra approached the desk, but what she saw made her scream. Helen's lifeless body was lying there behind the desk. She  knelled next to her calling her name over and over again. She stood up and phoned for an ambulance.

After a while the door opened and Ares got in hastily. Electra couldn't keep her shield power on when she got into a shock. Ares sensed her right away. When he got out the weather had become cold, very cold. The ambulance arrived at the same time with him in front of the store.

He went straight to Electra. Her face was pale and her eyes reflected the terror of what she had seen.  After the ambulancemen tried their best,one of them turned to Electra:

"I am sorry we did everything we could but  she is dead"

Ares hugged Electra and looked at Helen's body. Electra was looking at the last person who had her absolute trust,Helen. He could hear her mourning in her mind but in her eyes there wasn't even one tear.

"It's OK you can cry"he said to her softly. He knew that her sorrow  was mounting up inside her. How much could she take after all?

She looked at Ares:

"You are always next to me when i need you"

"I can't leave you to suffer alone. I will always be next to you even if you chase me away"

"Who did this to Helen?"

"I don't know for sure. I will investigate it."

"I think i know who it is. I really didn't want to enter your world of special people. I only wanted to live as a normal woman. Helen was there for me, like the mother i never knew because of your power games. I think i have made my decision. I know what i have to do."

"You should do nothing alone. Come back with me. Charismatics will show you the way to use your powers and control them." Ares could feel the power inside her.It was like she was radiating energy.

Her pain was so deep that she couldn't cover her power's strength. Shadows must have already discovered everything about her.

Peter was informed instantly. The girl wasn't a simple case. She was as he was suspecting, the girl from the prophecy. 

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