Chapter 23

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The last days of autumn were painting the city with their colors. Ares was driving to the office with Electra by his side when Electra's phone started ringing and she answered it.

"Good morning mother." Angel was calling her all the time as if she was feeling insecure that she would disappear again, if she stayed away from them for even a few days.

Angel told her that Peter was calling all of them for dinner at his hotel. When Electra ended the phone call she looked at Ares' face. He seemed very troubled.

"I wonder what he is trying to do" He told her.

As soon as they arrived at the office he went to find his father. The minute he stepped in his father's office Lukas told him:

"I know he called me too. I don't know what he has in mind but since all of us are going to be there he won't try to do anything."

Ares wasn't so sure. He knew his uncle was ruthless and persistent when he wanted something and in their case what he wanted the most was Electra.

Lukas and Ares with Melina and Electra arrived first. After a while her family arrived. After they greeted each other they went inside. Peter was waiting for them in the restaurant but he wasn't alone. A very impressive woman was sitting next to him. She was tall, blond with big blue eyes. She was wearing a red dress the same color as her lipstick. Her name was Dawn. Electra could sense a large amount of power in her and looked at Ares to see if he could sense it too. Apparently everyone except her family was sensing the same thing. The four of them looked at each other with worrying eyes under the constant observation of Peter. Angel and Alex were talking with Peter in their blissful ignorance. Melina was standing still and Electra could almost feel the battle between the two women and judging by the little drops of sweat on Melina's forehead she was having a difficult time.

Melina's nosebleed compelled her to leave the room in a hurry. Lukas ran after her. The minute they were out Electra felt extreme pressure in her head and saw Ares' grimace which meant he felt it too. Dawn wasn't an ordinary woman and what was worrisome was that she wasn't an ordinary Shadow either. Ares' phone rang and the voice of his father warned him:

"Get Electra out of there immediately!! Pretend that something happened to Melina"

Ares allowed Electra to read his mind and stood up saying their excuse to leave the restaurant. Everyone except Peter and Dawn felt disappointed. Electra kissed her family said farewell to Peter and Dawn and left with Ares.

Lukas and Melina were in front of the hotel waiting for them. As soon they got in the car Melina said:

"That woman is the most powerful Shadow I have ever come across. She passed all our shields with no effort." He turned to Lukas "Where was he hiding her all this time? I have never seen her before."

"Peter always keeps hidden cards up his sleeve. This must be his latest addition. I will put more guards around you Electra." Lukas' eyes met with Ares' in the front mirror.

The following morning Electra had a strange feeling the minute she woke up. Ares called her for breakfast but as soon as she sat in front of the plate with the eggs she felt her stomach upset. She stood up and ran to the toilet.

Ares ran after her worried.

"Don't come!" Electra shouted from inside.

"Are you all right?" Ares was really worried. He saw her losing her color.

"I am fine. I will be out in a minute"

Ares was waiting for her in the kitchen when she came back.

"You look awful."

"You are so kind!!!"

Electra couldn't eat anything and Ares told her to stay back and rest. He had to go to work because they had a very important meeting but he wouldn't leave until he was sure Electra would be safe at home. He called his father and explained the situation to him. Lukas immediately sent more men to guard Electra. Only then did Ares leave.


Peter couldn't believe what Dawn told him as soon they left the restaurant.

"Electra has gathered an enormous amount of energy. She has a lot of powers to the point I almost couldn't 'read' her. She isn't finished with her powers but that isn't what should trouble you. There is something much more serious..."

"What is it?" Dawn was the person he always kept hidden. She was always effective and accurate and there wasn't a task she couldn't complete. Where everyone else failed she was successful. If that kind of person was saying they were in trouble, he should have a plan prepared.

"Electra is pregnant."

Peter was startled. He wasn't expecting that.

Dawn continued:

"You know what that means don't you?"

The powers of a charismatic woman when she was pregnant were boosted. When the charismatic was already one of the powerful ones, what would the result be?

"If the baby has powers, of its own, those are added to the powers of the mother. The baby loses its powers as soon as it is born and gets them back after it becomes eighteen years old. You understand Peter that we are in danger if we let her be with the charismatics."

Peter had already made his mind. Electra had two choices. Either she would join them or she should die. He picked up his phone:

"Be ready. We are beginning!!"

Electra started to feel better before noon and called Angel. She didn't want her to worry so she didn't say anything about her not feeling well. She was preparing a snack when she heard the doorbell. When she opened the door there were two men who grabbed her hands. They were very good shields because she couldn't use any of her powers on them. Then the woman who was with Peter when they met him in the restaurant, Dawn appeared.

"Don't fight. You will only hurt yourself and the baby." Dawns spoke in a honeyed voice.

Electra stood still, taken by surprise. Was she pregnant? Was that the reason she was having morning sickness? She couldn't feel happy though about that now, that shadows had their hands on her. She could feel Dawn trying to penetrate her mind.

"You don't have to worry as long as you cooperate with us." She nodded to the two men who they pulled her out the door with them. Electra knew this time shadows wouldn't make any mistake.

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