Chapter 15

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Electra opened her eyes. Her head was hurting. Where was she? She looked around her. It was an unknown room.

The door in front of her opened. A young man came in and stood next to the window. He didn't say anything to her. He was just standing there with his eyes glowing.

"Hey you! Who are you? Where am i?" Electra yelled at him but he didn't even blink. He just continued standing where he was.

She tried to get up from the bed but she couldn't move. What was happening? She then understood. That man was responsible for her being unable to move. She studied the room. It was a hotel room. She remembered it, it was Kevin's father's hotel and she remembered the decoration from the previous time she was here, with Ares. She could feel the pressure of a lot different powers in her head. Obviously they were trying to control her. She couldn't do anything for the time being, she had to wait for the right moment.

Ares went back to his apartment after they finished their meeting. He already knew most of the things the meeting was about. When he opened the door, he had a feeling that something had happened. Nothing seemed different but his senses were yelling something had happened. He went straight to the bedroom but Electra wasn't there.

"Electra!!" he called while knocking on the bathroom door. No answer. Now his intuition became certainty. Electra was kidnapped. He could feel the Shadows around him toying with his mind. He stormed out of the house.

Melina slowly opened her eyes. Lukas was standing next to her. When he saw her he caressed her head.

"How are you feeling Melina? Thank god you are awake."

"My head hearts" She moaned. "What happened?"

Lukas explained to her what happened. Melina was stressed when he told her that he hadn't communicated with Ares and Electra for hours.

"Call them. We must find out if she is OK."

Lukas went out to make the phone call. When he came back in Melina knew right away. The Shadows had achieved their goal. They had Electra.

Ares knocked Kevin's door with his fists forcefully.

"Kevin" shouted "open the door. I can sense you"

The door opened and his cousin stood in front of him.

"What do you think you are doing?" Kevin said angrily.

Ares grabbed Kevin's sweater. "Where is she? Where did you take her?"

Kevin looked at him with genuine surprise. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't pretend you don't know. Electra was kidnapped."

Kevin was dumbfounded. "I don't know anything about that."

Ares could see that he was sincere. "Then it's your father. Electra was kidnapped from my house."

Electra felt exhausted. How long was she laying there unable to move? People were using their powers on her, causing her mind to blur. She couldn't concentrate on anything. She felt helpless. With the small amount of will power left in her she was shielding herself from letting them take information from her mind.

The door opened. Peter stepped in followed by some strangers. He looked at her coldly. She could feel his mind trying to penetrate her thoughts.

"You think you are too tough to be broken?" His smile made her shiver. It was more like a wince. Electra closed her eyes. She preferred not to look at him. She didn't even have the energy to speak.

Ares followed his cousin in the hotel through the revolving door. A dozen of men appeared in the big foyer. They came close to them. The man who was one step ahead from the others, obviously their leader talked to Kevin:

"Your father sent us to escort you upstairs."

Kevin looked at Ares knowingly and followed the man. Two of the men went after him. The rest stayed back with Ares. Earlier on their way to the hotel his cousin reassured him that he didn't have anything to do with Electra's kidnapping. He would never do anything to hurt her. Ares could see that his cousin had feelings for her. Maybe it was unavoidable for everyone that met her to fall for her. Electra's personality, intriguing and appealing, attracted everyone around her. Ares followed the plan they made with Kevin and sat in an armchair, he lowered his head and his eyes glowed.

Lukas sent the best of his men to surround the hotel. They were all in their posts with their heads down and their eyes glowing. They were all waiting for Kevin's signal.

Kevin followed the man in his father's suite. He wasn't sure where he had taken Electra as he was always unpredictable. The next door to the bedroom opened and Peter came in the room. The man left, leaving them alone.

"You have taken Electra" Kevin was accusing his father.

"Weren't you interested in her? Now she is in our hands" Peter said with a self-satisfied smirk on his face.

"I told you I never wanted you to hurt her. I would never want to hold on to her like that. I want her heart, I do not want to have her forced to be with me. Anyway don't pretend you are doing this for me. You only think of the Shadows." Kevin was too angry to hold back.

His father's face looked cold as ice when he told him:

"Nothing is more important than our people and their well being. You should know that already. Do you think you could have her heart if she was free? She has already placed you with the bad guys, the Shadows. She was brought up by Melina that means she could never accept you. Are you sure you want to let her free?" His father smile was evil.

Kevin got confused. All he wanted was a chance with her. He needed to buy a little time so he could show her that he wasn't the evil person she was thinking. His father was right about one thing though, if she could have her freedom he would never have a chance. He  had to follow his father's plan.

"What are you going to do?" Kevin asked his father.

Peter smiled with satisfaction and said :

"I intend to wed my son"

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