Chapter 18

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The moment Electra and Melina stepped on the other world, Ares and Lukas appeared on the edge of the bridge. They were obviously waiting for them. Ares couldn't take his eyes off Electra that became more beautiful than before and seemed more mature.

Lukas approached and hugged them welcoming them. Ares followed him. When Lukas and Melina started talking, Ares took the chance to speak to Electra.

"How are you?" he asked her asked with the deep voice she missed so much.

"I am fine. How have you been?" she felt so happy to see him that her heart fluttered.

"You seem different." In his eyes she saw a spark of admiration that made her very happy.

"It's been two years since you last saw me. I have changed."

His eyes went through her all body. She had a more curvy body now. From a teenager she had transformed to a desirable young woman. Previously when he was holding her in his arms he felt mostly protective of her but now if he had to do that again it would be a very 'difficult' task.

They all walked together towards Lukas's house. On the way Ares said:

"Dr. Alex and his family are here too. They came for the weekend" Electra knew that they came for their wedding anniversary like every year, which happened to be on the same day of their daughter's (Electra's) disappearance.

Melina glanced anxiously towards Electra. She looked back at her without revealing her feelings. She was a master in that now. In fact inside her a battle was taking place. Should she follow Melina's opinion and tell them who she was or should she keep it a secret from them because of the turbulent and uncertain life she was living. After what happened to Helen she didn't want anyone near her, she was afraid of their safety.

They entered the two floor house. Most of it was made of glass and its architecture was very modern.

When Melina asked if it was safe to remain there where there was the energy disturbance Lukas explained to them they were safe because they had already put a lot of charismatics to cover their arrival there.

The house inside was plainly decorated. Lukas showed them to their room. A double bed with dark blue sheets and the lack of any kind of decoration was yelling that it was men's house. After they left their luggage they went down to the base floor where the living room and the kitchen were. They talked about Peter's threats and how they could handle the situation. Electra was in imminent danger and the fact that they succumbed to his blackmail and came out of Utopia didn't mean that he would keep his end of the bargain and not hurt her family. So they had a lot of issues to work on.

The sun started setting when they decided to stop and go outside to find something to eat. They reached the decision that they should all live together, so Electra would be protected at all times. Lukas' house in the city was in the same block with charismatics' headquarters and because of his rank there, were always people around covering him from the Shadows' powers.

Before they left, Lukas' phone rang and he talked for a while. Ares with Electra and Melina went outside to wait for him. When he got out he said looking at Electra: "We are invited to a party. Isidora was on the phone."

Although Electra had her objections, she couldn't go against the three of them. They postponed their plan to go out and prepared for the party.

They arrived at the party late. Music was playing and the loud voices of people were reaching their ears as they were getting closer. The minute they appeared in the party Isidora came close to them as if she was expecting them or more accurately as if she was waiting for Ares, Electra thought. She gave Electra a strange look before she changed her attitude to be a pleasant hostess. Her sister had great acting skills. She opened her arms to Electra like she had missed her:

"Where have you been all this time?" she asked her with real interest or so she wanted everyone to hear.

"It's a long story. How are you?" Isidora told her that everyone was fine and talked about her often. She took her where her parents were and Electra felt like she got a lump in her throat. Angel and Alex welcomed her with genuine happiness. Electra caught Melina watching her with a mysterious look on her face. She couldn't analyze anything at the moment because Nick together with John came and hugged her. They talked for a while. Electra felt really happy to see everyone. Nick pulled her to dance with him earning him an angry look from Ares.

"Did you know that Isidora is going to get engaged?" Nick asked her while they were dancing.

Electra was surprised. "Really?" She didn't want to ask him with whom, she was afraid to hear the answer. Although she could see the interest about herself in Ares' eyes she didn't know what happened between him and Isidora, the time she wasn't there.

Nick continued "She is in love with a very good young man. We met him already; he is one of Ares' friends."

Electra didn't understand that all this time she was holding her breath. She started breathing again.

After the dance finished Ares approached them. Nick greeted Ares and talked.

"Where is Tony?" Ares asked. He turned to Electra to explain "He's Isidora's fiancé."

She felt so relieved. Every time she thought of Ares and her feelings towards him she felt awful because she thought she was betraying Isidora but now everything was OK. Isidora came closer, apologized to the others and pulled Electra together with her to the quiet kitchen.

"Since two years ago there isn't a moment that I don't feel sorry about my behavior the night before you left. I thought that I was in love with Ares and you betrayed me. Afterwards Ares told me that nothing like what I had imagined happened and in any case he was never in love with me. He always thought of me as a younger sister. After a while I met Tony with whom I must admit I am truly crazily in love. So Electra, please forgive me." Isidora looked really apologetic.

Before Electra could answer Ares came in the room looking anxious.

"We have to leave NOW" When Electra gave him a questioning look Ares continued: "Peter just arrived in the party"

Electra knew right away what that meant. The Shadows had already found them. They were more powerful than the people who were supposed to protect them. Danger was next to them once again.

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