Chapter 21

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Electra was feeling restless since morning but she couldn't pinpoint the cause. Ares had some appointments and after he brought her home, he left again. After she had a shower, she went to the kitchen to make tea. The sound of the doorbell surprised her but she was more surprised when she opened the door.

Alex and Angel were standing in front of her looking at her intensely.

"Hello, welcome. Please come in, Ares and Lukas, haven't returned yet." Electra couldn't figure out why they were there. Both of them kept looking at her without saying a word. They were behaving strangely. When she closed the door behind them, Angel with her eyes full of tears opened her arms and embraced her tightly. Electra was touched feeling her mother's embrace but at the same time she was confused.

When Angel left her, she led them in the living room. Alex seemed emotionally charged:

"Electra we have something very important to tell you. Can we sit down?"

They sat on the sofa, Angel on one side and Alex on the other, having her in the middle.

Alex touched Electra's hand and looked into her eyes: "We have a story to tell you...."

With a steady voice he started telling her the story that Electra saw in her vision. During that time Angel didn't stop crying even for a minute. When the story was about to end both Angel and Alex were holding her hands.

"Just before we come here we found out that our baby..."

It was Angel's turn to speak: "Electra you, you are our lost baby. The baby that was stolen from us in the hospital is you." Angel hugged her and this time Electra allowed herself to hug her back. The tears she was holding back rolled down her cheeks. Alex put his arms around them whispering "My baby..."

Although she knew that they were her family the fact that they were admitting it in front of her made Electra feel warmth inside her heart:

"If you are really my parents I will be very happy because I already love and respect you." Her voice was trembling.

"I am sure my dear Electra, I am absolutely sure that you are my daughter. The first time I saw you I felt a special bonding with you but I couldn't explain why." Angel was speaking to her passionately trying to make her believe it. "Pack your bags Electra. You are moving in with us. I can't stay away from you even for a minute. We have so many things to talk about"

Electra deep in her heart was seeking the family life she had missed but she thought of Ares. He wouldn't like it if she left. She also remembered all the warnings Melina and Lukas gave her and the truth hit her. She couldn't let herself be carried away by her emotions. She couldn't endanger her own family.

Alex who was always the voice of reason stepped in saying: "Angel, Electra is shocked. We shouldn't pressure her for anything. Let her think about what she learnd. Give her a little time." He looked at Electra "Electra, take your time."

"No Alex you can't do this to me. You know how much we have been suffering all these years. How can you expect me to leave and not take our child to her house?"

Electra thought of a way to gain time: "I think that before you inform the family we should have a DNA test, to be sure."

Angel looked frustrated but Alex was rational as always: "We are sure that you are the right person but we will do whatever you want if that will make you accept us..."

Angel had to accept what Alex told them but she kept hugging Electra all the time and said repeatedly that Electra was her baby. Alex took Electra's samples to give to the lab for the DNA test along with his own.

With great difficulty Alex convinced Angel to leave Electra behind when they left for home. Before she left Angel made her promise that they would meet the next day.

Ares knew before entering the apartment that something had happened to Electra. He unlocked the door in a hurry and called for her as soon as the door was open: "Electra!!"

He couldn't find her anywhere until he finally looked inside the bathroom. Electra was lying unconscious next to the bathtub. He took her to his bedroom and waited for her to regain consciousness. All the signs were revealing that she gained a new power. After a while she opened her eyes. She looked exhausted.

"When will all of these stop?" she whispered in despair.

Ares kissed her gently: "Everything will be fine." He had already experienced the appearance of a new power and knew that it gradually becomes harder. The pain becomes stronger and the recovery time longer. "You acquired a new power, didn't you?"

Electra nodded: "This time I thought I would die. The pain was unbelievable and as usual I don't know what the new power is."

"It has been a long time since you had a new power. What happened that triggered it?"

"Could it be because I was anxious, sad and troubled?" She leaned against his shoulder seeking for consolation.

"OK, what happened?" Ares was worried.

"My parents found out about me. They know I am their daughter and they want me to go and live with them."

"What? How did this happen? Who told them? You know that you must be under protection all the time."

"Don't you think that the answer is really simple? It's Peter's scheme. He wants to keep us separated because that way he thinks it will be easier for him to realize his goal."

"I am not leaving you to go in your family's house and be unprotected."

"I managed to gain some time by suggesting a DNA test but pretty soon everything will be out in the open."

"We must speak with my father and Melina. Maybe they will have a solution."

When Lukas and Melina got back they told them what had happened. Melina felt the guilt coming back to trouble her:

"You must go to them. They are your family."

"I agree with Melina. I think this is the right thing to do, too. We will send people to protect you at all times and Ares will be close to you as much as he can." Lukas was very worried but he knew that they didn't have any other option.

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