Chapter 14

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Lukas who was at the charismatic's headquarters was informed immediately about what happened to Melina. He sensed it. When the man who was appointed to watch over Electra called him, he knew what he was about to tell him. A big number of Shadows used their powers to cover up the assault on Melina, so the charismatics wouldn't be able to find out what happened in time. The attack on her was the proof that the Shadows had planted a spy in a high ranking position since Melina's plan was only known by few people. He ordered one of the most powerful charismatic to investigate who the spy was and then left for the hospital where Melina was taken. On the way he called Ares.

Ares talked to his father and agreed with him that Electra, for her own safety, had to stay with him, until she could go back to Utopia. After he finished talking to his father, he went in front of the bedroom door and knocked. Electra didn't answer. Ares called her

"Electra I am coming in"

He opened the door. Electra was sitting on the floor next to the bed wearing nothing but her underwear. She had obviously taken a bath because her hair was wet and the bathrobe was next to her. Her eyes were glowing. He run next to her:

"Electra" he knew she wasn't able to hear him, but he felt the need to show her he was next to her. He lifted her and put her on the bed. Her body doubled up in pain. After a while she started twisting and turning in agony. Ares could see that this time the new power's acquisition was more painful from the previous time he was present. He hugged her and kept her tightly against his body. The sign on the back of her neck was glowing as her eyes. A little later she sighed and loosened up in his arms. Her eyes closed and she fainted. Everything was back to normal. Ares was worried about her. New powers kept appearing but would she be able to handle it physically? After few minutes she moved. Her eyes were full of tears when she opened them.

"I can't take it anymore. I am tired. I didn't want any of this to happen but the powers keep appearing and every time it is worse. The pain becomes worse."

"The pain is like the price we have to pay for the powers. Are you feeling better now?"

"I am all right now, thank you." She pulled herself away from him. Leaving his arms, was getting harder and harder but to let herself get romantically involved with Ares was something she didn't have the luxury to do.

Ares misunderstood her move. He immediately stood up. Electra realized what she was wearing and pulled the bed cover to hide her body.

"I am going outside. When you put your clothes on, come out please. I have to speak to you" he said and left the room.

When Electra got to the living room he was speaking on the phone. When he put the phone down he turned to her:

"Melina won't be coming tomorrow."

"Why? Has something happened?" her eyes were searching his eyes for an answer.

He hesitated for a while but then told her what had happened. She didn't say anything to him. She just went back to her room and closed the door behind her. Ares knew she was blaming herself about everything but nothing he would say could make her feel better.

At the Shadows' headquarters, Peter was surprised by the entrance of Kevin. He was angry and the door hit the back wall as he pushed it.

"What are you doing?" he asked his father.

"Why are you coming in this way?" Peter looked his son strictly.

"What are you doing to Electra?" It was the first time Peter saw his son in this condition.

"What do you mean?" He pretended not to understand what he was talking about.

"I mean Helen and Melina"

"About Helen you already knew the plan. We had to isolate her. To be vulnerable so you could bring her to us."

"Was it necessary to use that way. We could use a misunderstanding you didn't have to use murder."

"With every other way firstly she would know there was a way back, secondly she wouldn't understand the seriousness of our intentions and lastly she wouldn't be frightened to get close to anybody else."

"You thought about everything but what about Melina? She is her aunt, why did you hurt her? "

"Melina wanted to take Electra back to Utopia. You know what that means. We could never find them again. I had to do something to stop them from leaving. Don't worry though Melina will be fine soon. I wouldn't let anything serious happen to her anyway." His dad said the last sentence so low that he almost didn't hear it but he was so upset that he didn't ask him what he meant.

"Now, Electra doesn't even want to speak to me. She thinks i was a part of your plan."

"Don't worry. She will eventually come to us. Be patient." Peter had an enigmatic facial expression.

"I hope you won't do something that will hurt her again." But Kevin knew that no matter what he would say, his father would do whatever he wanted in the end.

Lukas stepped in the hospital room where Melina was. The doctor told him she was out of danger but still unconscious. The Shadows were openly after Electra . Melina had to recover soon to take her back to Utopia. She was the only one that could do that.

Melina was lying down with her eyes closed. She looked so peaceful. His mind was overflowed with memories of the girl Melina once was. When she was in relationship with Peter she was always smiling like she owned the whole world but when she found out that he joined the Shadows everything for her was destroyed. She soon secluded herself in Utopia and never saw Peter since. Even when she heard that he was going to marry she didn't come out of Utopia. Lukas always liked Melina but he could never betray his brother in spite of what he had become. They had the same blood after all. Lukas continued being her good friend and never confessed his feelings for her. Although all this time the thing he wanted most was to persuade her to get out of Utopia so that he could see her every day, now he had to send her back with his own hands. Melina had to take Electra back as soon as she awakened.

Ares picked up the phone that was ringing. Selene his father's subordinate was calling him.

"Ares you have to come here immediately. There is a meeting but we can't find your father. His phone is turned off. There is a new plan by the Shadows to hit on Melina, I had to inform you right away."

"I can't leave Electra alone. Can you wait until father comes back? Tell him what you want and he will tell me."

"No it's an emergency. Since you are responsible for her safety and their plan is imminent, we have to act immediately. I have already sent the best of us there to protect her, don't worry. Electra will be safe."

"OK when the people you sent arrive, I will come."

Electra was behind him when he turned. "What happened?" she asked him.

He explained everything to her and he noticed the sad look on her face. She was thinking that everything was her fault again.

When the people Selene sent arrived, Ares left the apartment. Electra was alone. She stood in front of the window. The day outside was as gloomy as her mood.

All of a sudden a black curtain felt in front of her eyes and then she felt hands pressing her mouth and nose and she lost her consciousness.

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