Chapter 16

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"What?" Kevin couldn't believe what he was hearing. "What do you want to do?"

"We are going to have a wedding here in the hotel. Everyone even the bride, will learn about it the last minute, in order avoid any interference. That way they won't have any reason to accuse us of kidnapping Electra or holding her against her will."

"How are you planning to make Electra accept the wedding?"

"She will sign everything, with the vision we are going to impose on her."

"Why do you want Electra so much? "

"Believe me she is very special. Melina is a too ethical and upright person and if she believes that Electra was married willingly she will not oppose. This is the only way to stop her from declaring a war to get Electra back."

"Are you sure your plan is going to work? Downstairs a large number of charismatics are waiting to free her if I send them a signal that she is here." Kevin had seen his father's suspicious expression and knew that he was informed of his coming with Ares.

"As a matter of fact I knew already that you came with Ares here. It doesn't matter; when you tell them she isn't here, they will believe it since you are the one who brought them here in the first place."

"Where is Electra?" Kevin asked his father.

Peter raised his hand and pointed to the door he walked in from earlier. Kevin started walking that way.

"Don't go in there. We are trying to put her under control for the time being" Peter tried to stop him.

Kevin wanted to see for himself. He turned the handle to open the door. What he saw inside shocked him. Electra was lying down in the middle of double bed pale as if she was dead. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was worryingly fast. Her clothes were wet from sweat as if someone threw water on her. Four men were in the room looking at her with their glowing eyes. Kevin could see her struggling with them. He wanted to go and beat up the men who were torturing her. He had to be calm though. He closed the door and went close to his father who was staring at him trying to read his feelings.

"Stop torturing her.I agree, I will marry her. What should I do now?" For the first time in his life he felt so outraged. He was grateful now that he had learned to hide his thoughts and feelings since he was ten years old. That was necessary for someone who lived with an ambitious and ruthless person like his father.

"For the time being go and tell them that Electra isn't here. I will call you later, to tell you the details."

When Ares saw Kevin he understood right away that he was in shock.

"What happened?" Ares was anxious.

"She is not here. Let's go" Kevin knew his father was watching closely his moves and any mistake could mean that Electra would be gone and no one would be able to find her ever again.

Kevin took Ares very far away from the hotel and made him call all the charismatics who were there with him, to surround them and use their powers. Only then he told him:

"I saw her, she is in the hotel. They are torturing her and she is in a bad condition. We need to act fast. I don't know how much more she can take."

Ares tightened his fists. He wished he could be able to protect her. Now she was all alone hurting and suffering and he couldn't do anything.

Although Kevin loved his father he wasn't always agreeing with his methods. This time his father had gone too far. How could he even think that Kevin would accept what he was doing to Electra to make her stay with him? He told Ares about his father's plan about the wedding. Ares was furious with his uncle. He informed Lukas. Together they made a plan to save Electra.

Melina, although she hadn't completely healed, demanded to be released from the hospital and be a part of the plan.

The wedding was about to take place. A large number of charismatics had surrounded the hotel waiting. Kevin was inside the hall waiting while  Ares, Lukas and Melina were waiting in the foyer. Melina was hiding all of them. The elevator bell rang and the door opened. Peter was next to the wheelchair that Electra was sitting on. Ares wanted to attack his uncle when he saw Electra's pale face and her glassy eyes. She was wearing a white dress.

Melina said: "I am going to use the vision force on Peter and his men. Ask your men to back me up." Her eyes started glowing. At the same time all the charismatics around the block lifted their heads with their eyes glowing but no one around them could see. They were all covered by Melina's vision.

Suddenly Peter and his men stood still. It was the moment that they stepped into Melina's vision. Ares immediately went and lifted Electra. The minute she was out of the Shadow's influence she collapsed in his arms. Lukas went close to Ares: "Take her to the car. They are leaving right away for Utopia. It is the only safe place for her." Then he turned to Melina who followed him: "It's time. I believe it will be a long time before I can see you again."

"Thank you for your help" Melina said to him. "For the rest of the vision your people will be enough. The difficult part was the transition from one vision to the other."

Peter and his men living in the vision continued their way seeing that Electra was still sitting on the wheelchair.

Ares took Electra to the car. He looked at her as if he was trying to keep her image in his mind. He bent over her and placed a kiss on her lips: "Goodbye" he whispered sadly.

Lukas and Melina came out of the hotel. Melina went to sit on the driver's seat. Before she got in the car she waved at the two men.

Lukas and Ares both stood there until the car couldn't be seen any more.

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