Part 3. "hey, Cutie

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Part 3. "Hey, Cutie😊"

Cody Love Story. Created By: Dila Ramadhanty (@dilaarrrr)

Notes: sorry for typo(s), abalism, gaje, bad story, heartattack and anything. Please do not copy any scene on this story bc this story is belong to me! Enjoy, Fella!


"Ahaha hi, my name is Crystal McFlyin. And you?"

"My name is Cody Simpson. Where do you live?"

"Hm, just 4 house from here to north, in right side."

"Really? My home is 5 house from here to north, in left side. Ahaha"

"Do you? Omg cool. Nice to meet you, Cody btw."

"Nice to meet you, too Crystal. What are you doin here now?"

"Just sitting here waiting for sunset. And wbu?"

"Uh? Same. I love beach actually. And I love surfing. Beach is my life."

"Surf? You are a surfer? Cool omg."

"You dont know me, do you?"

"What? Ofc i know, you are Cody Simpson. Okay. Eh? Wait! Cody Simpson? Are you a young-pop-star-singer, arent you?"

"Ahaha no, I'm not. Im just a singer. Why? Are you one of my fans?"

"No actually. I just heard your name when you come and always concert in LA."

"Oh, Yeah. Doin my tour. Well, you are not my fans?"

"No ahaha why?"

"Nah, its okay. Dont mind. So, look! Sunset is coming."

"Yeap. Beautiful."

"Yeah, cool."

"Great evening. Hey Cody, why are you not doing your tour now?"

"I've break time for summer. Maybe I'll be doin my tour 3/4 months again."

"K. What about your school?"

"Homeschooling. Yeah, I cant go to school like normal teenager."

"Okay, so do I. My dad told me to Homeschooling til Im finish my high school."

"Well, same ahaha. So, hm, can i have your phone number?"

"Oh sure, here."

Ya begitulah. Gue kasih nomor hape gue ke Cody. Pantesan mukanya kayak familiar gitu, ternyata artis ahaha. Okay baru pertama pindah udah dapet temen artis kan wk.

Kita akhirnya cerita-cerita ttg diri kita masing-masing. Dia punya 2 adek, yang pertama perempuan, Alli Simpson. Dan yang kedua laki laki, Tom Simpson. He's very nice. I like the way he laugh. Its sounds so cute.

Akhirnya setelah cerita-cerita, kita jalan bareng buat pulang kerumah. Bener aja, rumah dia ternyata di serong kanan depan rumah gue. Deket bgt.

"Come in?"

"No thanks. Maybe next time. Hm, night Crystal. Nice dream. I'll text you see you."

"Night Cody. Okay I'll be waiting. See you"

And then I come in. I see dad and Clevin in dining room, so I join them.

"Who's that guy? Your bf?" Clevin, ngeledek mulu ish!

"Clevin shut up! No! He's our neighborhood. And he's young-popstar-singer. Cody Simpson."

"Ahaha well, youre in love with him?"

fate // c.s a.uTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang