The Mysterious Boy

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The Mysterious Boy


By: Cutegirlmayra (DANG, last chapter was 14 PAGES, I'm so sorry. Lol, that's a long read. But it's worth it, hopefully ^^; that's up to you. Anyway, enjoy the next chapter! :D She finally has POWERS now! Edited: 14 means nothing now, haha!)

The next morning, I hurried to get a project done for one of my classes, a self-reflection. The project consisted of making a poster of you but with no words. My teacher was all about expressing oneself... Great.

The little alien creature flew around, taking a moment to hover over my shoulder and look at the trainwreck I tried to pass off as art.

"It's a work in progress..." I commented, not even looking at it, but gesturing my head in its direction.

"What's your name anyway? You never told me." I finally stated, but when I looked over my shoulder, it was gone. "Huh? Thing One?" I joked, shifting around to find it. I don't usually make childish jokes, it reminds me too much how I was with my little brother back home, but I decided to go for it. I thought it would cheer me up...

Me and my brother... let's see, last time I saw him he was nine years old.

I used to read him stories at night when he was younger, cuddling up on the bed while mom and dad would fight downstairs. There was always a threat of divorce if the money didn't flow in but to be honest, I think the two of them just needed to show more love for each other... but that never did happen though. At least, as far as I'm aware of.

I used to rock my brother in his rocking chair, which was one of the reasons I wanted to get one in my hippie den. I sang to tune out my parents' shouts and cries. My mother would wail in hysterical tears as my father would shout, his face growing red with anger. They never hit each other though... that was good. As my brother got older, he ignored the fighting more and more, becoming indifferent to it. I couldn't do that though. I couldn't condition myself to ignore such things. The yelling, hate, unsatisfaction and being blamed for something you couldn't control made me feel bad for my parents. Any time I tried to speak my opinion, see if I could help somewhat, they would shut up and refuse to speak to a child about their adult matters.

That's when I knew...

After Mom had left to her friend's house, I waited all night for her to return while Dad went straight to bed. When she finally did come home, I held her when she cried. I knew...

I had to get out of here.

Grow up, and fast.

Before this world became my parents' world, my destiny.

I snapped back into reality, seeing the alien had spilled glitter all over my canvas.

"Nooo!" I shouted, reaching a hand out before finding it pointless, "Augh!" I leaned my head back, "You're so annoying! That's never coming out! I'm gonna look like some preppy blonde chick!" I complained, being beyond done with life when she tilted her head, rolling in the glitter with a smile. She was wiggling her back into it now, making sure to get glitter in every nook and cranny.

"...Well, you sure are sparkly now." I sarcastically commented.

Then a light bulb must have shattered over my head or something, cause...

"Hey, Sparkles..." I let it run off my tongue a moment, realizing how stupid the name was.

"Well, I sure as heck ain't callin' ya, Glitter." I thought it was funny, chuckling a second as I picked up my backpack and dusted off some glitter outside my hippie den.

I was about to head to school, it had been a few days and I was glad that Brutus and the other Delivery kids didn't know exactly where I lived. Sparkles tried to jump into my bag, as if wanting to come with me. "Ah, ah-ah! No! Bad." I figured it was time to teach her right from wrong, like a puppy. I learned somewhere on TV that puppies need to be trained early on, or they'll grow up to be little monsters with no discipline. I turned around, holding my pointer finger out as she focused her eyes on it. It was kinda funny, like a doctor telling you to follow their finger, and a child crossing their eyes to see it. Sparkles did the same as I fell for her ridiculous charm. "Haha, alright. Listen, as long as you stay hidden."

I knew this was a bad idea. "Stay. Hidden."

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