Grey Dies

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Ch. 19

Grey Dies


By: Cutegirlmayra (I'll rewrite the book, this was the first writeup/rough draft, and I want to know what you think could be strengthened for the second go at it. But I enjoyed this story, and I enjoyed your comments and excitement. Thank you for everything!

Please enjoy this last installment of Colors!...

The prequel...

to Aerial Ace.)

It was evident that Shade was more focused on fighting Rocketman than me. He pulled his tower back to bend and fire him out like a sling-shot, zipping by above me like an arrow through the sky towards him.

Rocketman looked serious this time, more than I had seen him before. He was finally taking Shade's threat seriously, pulling back a fist and punching the air to knock Shade off course.

He walked briskly to me, not even bothering to look back at Shade who was caught by his dark, thick vines that wrapped around him and hung around him like a net from a spider's web.

"Jet?" He spoke the absolute critical words and nothing more.

Waiting for my reply, I hurriedly spoke what he needed to hear. "Hurt, but fine. Getting care as we speak. Wishes he could be here, trust me." I made a lighthearted tilt of my head to show the humor in my words, underexaggerating how much I knew it hurt Jet's pride to be considered a 'liability' in his condition.

Rocketman nodded, but I saw Shade get placed on the ground, hunching over as he rose a hand. A ton of dark vines launched themselves up and began to create a spiky mass, forming slowly out into what looked like a deadly spiked lance.

"Richard-" I reached a hand forward, but Shade hurled the dark spear through the air, "Look out!"

The vibrant bands of light behind me twisted and spun forward over me and Rocketman, immediately leaping out to catch the spear and push against it.

I could feel the tension, my hands flexed as I strained against the force of the spear.

Even Sparkles was trying to push back against Shade's spear with all her might, I could hear her struggle from within.

"Hang in there..." I encouraged her, speaking through my gritted teeth.

Then Shade burst out a cry, "Quit interfering!"

This was clearly a battle he wanted to have alone, but I could instantly tell this was more an emotional fight than one of revenge.

Something wasn't right. He was clearly unstable, but more so than before.

Perhaps seeing Rocketman made the difference, but I wasn't going to let him have his face.

"I won't stop!" I redirected the angle of the spear, realizing I couldn't push back against it more than leaving it at a stalemate, and it crashed into the side of the earth.

Immediately after, a metallic ringing vibrated from its impact before the vines quickly untangled and split apart to withdraw back to the shadows.

It misted around the light of the fires though... I wonder...

If they were staying clear of bright lights, maybe I needed to make mine brighter too...

"Leave this to me." Rocketman stepped towards Shade, lifting a hand to pat the air lightly, as though telling me I wasn't needed.

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