A Hero's Pang

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A Hero's Pang

By: Cutegirlmayra(Sorry I haven't made a chapter in a while, I've been very busy with college work x-x homework will be the death of me... anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter! – that was a cruel joke, I hope you cry or are very saddened by this chapter.)

They flung me inside.

My body hit the cold, grey and steely ground so hard and fast that half the air in my lungs flew out of me in fright. I struggled to get my air supply back, coughing, but down in these corridors of the so called, 'dungeon' there wasn't much air to go around...

I was pretty sure I was up in one of the higher levels of the building, due to all the floors we had to go through on the rickety elevator.

Kinda ironic they call it 'The Dungeon' when it's above ground. Shows these kids are really messed up alright.

During the elevator ride, Pierce had been scanning my thoughts. His voice in my head was so annoying, I already had Sparkles in there, but now keeping quiet as to not take any chance of getting caught. I didn't need another unwanted guest!

As soon as I was in the jail-like cell they locked the barred door and we're gone. I moved quickly to the only light source there was, a very thin rectangular window that was very, very small.

My eyes squinted at the moonlight, it was so late in the night...

And I had homework...

I tried not to think about anything but getting out of here though, even if jokes did make me feel a bit better, although stressed.

I put my recently tied up hands upward, or at least tried too, and wiggled my fingers. Sparkles! Help me out here!

With still fresh ropes, I pulled and tried to loosen the hold of it on my hands, while desperately clinging to the idea of remaining calm.

... What if they're watching...

I think they left, but either way, I need air!

... Lily... I'm so scared...

Sparkles! Come on!

I was growing angry with her, she was blocking me from using her power on my own, and even though her words made since I was gasping for some clean air.

This place was smoky, and it stung my eyes a little.

What were they doing? This place hadn't been worked in for months!

I shook my head, nothing else really mattered at the moment but getting out of here and getting a gasp of fresh air.

"Sparkles!" I cried out, still on the ground, and unable to get up. I let my head fall, and coughed. The dirt, hazy and muffled air was taking it's toll on me. I could hear sounds but it was lost in all the walls and floors, mere shouted echoes could barely reach me now...

I felt like I was in some kind of insane asylum, hearing the muffled sounds like they were words, as everything was turning a funny dizzy in my eyes. This made me almost unable to concentrate and my mind felt like it was blacking out.

I rolled back my head, before letting it drop back down, unable to keep my mind steady, nor my breathing.

Sparkles obeyed immediately after that, letting me use my power to open the window, but the second the widow creaked every so slightly open, three figures came in the corridor hall, and I mentally told Sparkles to hide again. She locked away her power once more, but I could feel the light within me shiver and quake at different moments, her life force was shaking in fear... and I could feel it.

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