The Mysterious Mask

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Ch. 4

The Mysterious Mask

By: Cutegirlmayra (Enjoy! I never know how a story will come out till it's out. Edited: Now enjoy the edits! :Db)

After a long day of school, and teaching Sparkles how to sit and stay quietly at home eating cereal, I finally closed the locker door and sighed in exhaustion. Gravity, and the other—more emotional—weights of my life, began to stink in and drag me down a bit. As soon as I felt my shoulders give way, I leaned my back against the locker and lifted my head up, a momentary relief to keep me from falling. I tried to regroup my thoughts, like what was I gonna do with this new power? I guess, anything I wanted too... Except, I had learned the hard way how that turns out.

So long as no one gets hurt...

My backpack strap fell from my shoulder, and without even looking at it, I stood up straight and pulled it back into the right place.

Then it was time for science class.

"Now, you've all learned about the light spectrum before, haven't you?" The teacher began walking around the class, having an attitude like a foreign instructor with a very whiny voice, unnecessarily regal and overlordly with his college professor-esque glasses, demeanor, and teaching habits.

You could swear he was a wannabe, if it weren't for the fact that he had all the degrees to be a college professor. But he was paid well for teaching the rich kids here, why adjust when life can be so good here?

"Mr. Bagsley. I do hope you know what you're doing." The teacher lowered his glasses slightly when a nerdy looking kid foolishly raised his hand in the back row.

This particular instructor had an infamous record for tripping up his students. Bagsley got up, looking smug but coming off rather nervous. Anxiety is never truly present unless it's a nerd fearing he'll disappoint by saying the wrong answer, thus humiliating the status he so carefully acquired. Sweating buckets galore, he began with what he was probably ninety-five percent sure was correct, but it was the remaining five percent that caused the panic. "The light spectrum, also known as the Electromagnetic Spectrum, contains multiple wave properties such as radio, microwave, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma rays..."

"Didn't he just list them all?" Someone's voice whispered behind me.

"He did say 'such as' not 'all the above'. Haha!" The next kid's voice was louder.

"What a geek." Someone flat out insulted. Rude. But they weren't wrong...

The boy twiddled his fingers together, not sure if he should continue with those especially rude kids making him feel inferior and shy. The poor boy, I decided to help and give him a quick smile and nod.

It seemed to mean the world to him as his face beamed up immediately and he struck a confident pose. He continued, straightening himself up. "Scientists usually measure these waves, called wavelengths. And their frequency, resulting in the formula-"

"Thank you, Bagsley. You can sit down now..." The teacher pushed his glasses up, shooing the boy into stopping mid-sentence and gesturing for him to sit down.

"Can light bend? Anyone?" the teacher continued.


My eyes adjusted from their dazed state and I leaned more forward in my seat.

Sparkles could control that... but what about the whole of the spectrum?

The action of leaning up moved my chair forward, causing a large squeak against the floor that caught everyone's attention in the room.

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