Villainous Delusions

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Ch. 15

Villainous Delusions

By: Cutegirlmayra (I've been struggling with personal things lately and it's been increasingly difficult to want to write anything. I'd rather simply play and goof off. But I don't like to be unproductive, and I already have this chapter outlined. Forgive me for the delay, I do Tumblr prompts and Fanfiction while editing old fanfics and preparing them for season 2s. I'm also planning to make this a Prequel to the next book I write. -this will give backstory- but before I write that I should finish this one and my other projects xD Spoiler and surprise! Well, here goes nothing. If you pray, could you pray for me? Thank you!)

I was helping get things ready, when I noticed Sparkles hadn't returned yet.

The party was going to start soon, Pre-Prom, or whatever.

Honestly, I hadn't studied and paid much attention in this Heroes school, and now they expect me to join in on their festivities?

I couldn't lie though... something made me excited to wear Guinevere's dress. It had bubbled up inside of me all night, while also the nervous guilt that swarmed me about Sparkles and Aldin.

Jet... Aldin... there was still a huge difference in my head. Jet was cocky and impulsive, flirtatious and followed the 'rules of conduct' for Heroes. Aldin was charming, clever, and sensitive. He had a rough life, a little different from mine, but I could tell we were somewhat kindred spirits looking for a honest place to call home.

Why couldn't I just combined the two? Was it really that hard too?

I started realizing it wasn't, and that frightened me...

I bent down to put the remaining decorations in the last box and picked up. My dress was hanging up, and I turned around to stare at it with a sense of longing. I really did want to spin in it again...

"Hey, Kiki?" I didn't really look to her at first, before gently shifting my neck to see her still scrambling to get all her things together. Our room was piled with her decorations and party get-up. I didn't mind hosting it, apparently, even in a heroes school there was still pranks and tomfoolery. Last year, someone put whip cream on all the decorations and then spray-painted the entire activities hall's floor to look like some punk's senior exhibit gone wrong.

I had to shake my head, then hold back a snorted chuckle because Kiki's face turned white as snow after hearing that story.

She insisted we put guards out by the ballroom, a.k.a gym, and keep all the party supplies in our dorm's apartment.

I couldn't imagine who would stay up that late to guard things, but apparently, Art wasn't programmed in that year to be a 24-hour A.I with security settings. Recently, Dr. Ram had combined the security with Art's systems, so with this new recent upgrade, Art agreed to watch the place, as he now was constantly doing.

I could also tell that Kiki was excited about her big 'plan' to woo Art into stepping outside the computer he was locked too and making him real to dance with her.

I didn't know why, but I was slightly worried this science-fiction dream of hers would fail somehow. I had this hunch that Art would stumble with his feet, not know how to breath, and somehow faint before Kiki could even start her flirtations.

She only hummed in reply to my question, which was asked a few ticks on the clock ago, being completely fixated on tidying everything up. "Hmm?"

She sucked her lips in as she hunched over and kept putting things in the box, before taking some out and switching where they were in the different boxes.

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