Grey Illusions

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Ch. 16

Grey Illusions

By: Cutegirlmayra (this was all going to be one chapter for ch.15, but I think I should split them up a bit, don't you? xD we're nearing the end, buckle up! Sorry it's been a while! I've been focusing more on my fanfiction, tumblr prompts, and obviously real life lately. but I can promise you that I'm working with a good friend of mine who is also an excellent editor! Given time, this might be published for real So there could be changes to this story! Reread it if you want to when it's all edited up :Db Until then, enjoy the rough draft! I figure, write it first, edit later, and then make the movie lol)

-Lily's POV-

I was dropped to the ground by the vines, still twisting around me. It was so weird, gripping me and then moving up as if crawling to push me down again. Living whips, that's what they were.

It was so dark, I could barely see anything. There was shrieks and some battling going on, but in the dark, all I could see were shadows bashing against the wall...

Then chains.

"Rahfel! Isn't this marvelous!?" Shade outstretched his arms, laughing as I recognized the name.

The boy with the wire, triton-like split on his tail and chain arms?!

What was going on..?

"Once we were locked underground to study 'hero' business, and now... they exalt the next generation to the skies." He smirked and looked over the last of the struggling students, who looked like they were thrust down with his vines in a similar fashion that I was.

"Shade, you sure you're power can hold all these supers at once?" Another familiar voice,... the nerd boy?

"Tsk. You doubt me?" I saw his shadowy mass turn to the voice, but I still couldn't see much. "The darkness is my domain... it's my destiny to rule it." He moved farther away, and finally, I couldn't see him anymore.

That line... it sounded like...

My eyes widened, though my cheek was scrapping against the dirt of the ballroom floor, I remembered the motto or catchphrase of Dark Destiny. That old villain... Shade's father.

Did Dark Destiny really mean that much to Shade?

"Listen up! You so-called 'heroes'." He continued to speak, piercing the cries and shouts of the scared or defiant students. I could hear a flap of his cloak, his footsteps pacing around as he spoke out and all fell quiet. "You know they're not really teaching you to be heroes... they're making you drones. They're taking away your right to live as you see fit with your abilities. I won't say they fear you. That's just human nature... they want to manage you like a company." As he spoke, I heard electrical sparks and a flicker of light passed by the corner of my eye.

I immediately looked to it, as I felt others shift and gasp to look that way too.

There was a slithering sound before a misty, shadowy spike stabbed into the electrical outlet. Everyone screamed as it wiggled its head into it before it finally stopped shooting electricity around. But before the light dissipated, I saw someone who looked like he was dressed up as Art, and Kiki clinging behind him with her hands tightly holding onto him.

They went unnoticed, but I saw them. Did Kiki actually manage to pull Art out?

With the systems down, I suspected her plan must have worked. But wondered how we'd get power back without Art controlling things.

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