A Villians Dissent

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A Villian's Dissent

Ch. 11

(Please wait as I re-read and edit my previous chapters. I am adding new content and will be working on this chapter as soon as I can. So please, enjoy the new content on the already established chapters. This is a sneak peek of the next chapter heading. I will be replacing this with the real chapter in time, thank you.)


Tied with hands behind my back and a familiar feeling of being a captive again... the school security lead me down another corridor, towards a more techy side of the place.

As I struggled, I could feel the circle connectors pull the light bands tighter around my wrist, and when I would stop struggling, it would loosen a little more to give me some figurative air room to breathe.

Dr. Ram and his white coat and swipes of ice cream for hair trailed ahead of me. Each of his steps resonated throughout the long hallway as my frustration and resentment at being out-bested and maneuvered made me not stop the struggle and question how he so easily was able to capture me.

Not like my situation was anything to admire though, I was running out of ideas as is, but it still frustrated me to no end.

He didn't move that stupid launcher net gun thing, and yet, he was perfectly precise with where to aim...

I hated that.

Was I really that predictable?

Although, with these weird light bands, I couldn't use Sparkles's power, for some odd known reason. And furthermore, even if I jumped up and amazingly did some imagined karate move with a split of my legs to knock both guys out and dislocate my arms to get to my hands in front of me, or better yet, why not just hulk it and smash the wrist blucklers or whatever off; but either way, I still wouldn't be able to get out of here. Too many guards, too many-... or maybe it only needed to be one to catch me.

I glared down the doctor again, my curiosity was more a rageful question I wanted an answer too.

How'd he predict the exact place I'd be in? Keeping his gun held there for so long? It didn't make any sense.

Was it mind reading? Kinda like Pierce?

I thought some pretty nasty things about punching out the guy and whatnot, but the Doc didn't flinch.

"Hmph." I huffed to the side through my nose.

He probably would have already laughed at the karate thing... if he could read minds, that is.

Or maybe he was just holding back to make me think he couldn't?

I think too hard about things sometimes.

The guards already had two hands on my back pushing me down, and to make matters more uncomfortable, I even had to walk through a horde of kids, and trying to not look at their expressions was tough as is...

Keeping my head down was shameful at the least, but I couldn't help it. It was better than seeing judgment in others eyes.

Or worse... fear.

It was when I was looking down that I saw one of the guards, or security for the school, whatever you want to name them, had one of his boot laces untied.

What a perfect moment.

Right when I was about to open my mouth, hoping to get that man to switch out with another dude to lean down and take a second to correct his loose laces; Which would make him low enough to where I could whack him away and shake loose before the other guy could get a hold on me, Dr. Ram turned around...

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