Chapter 1

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     I was humming softly to a tune, cleaning my room free of the little monsters that had taken my clothes and strung them all over my floor. I kept my pace with the moonlight’s glare studying my face. Soon I began to hear the singing of a man in the dark shadows behind my house. I looked through my rusted windows to find a tall dark shadow only for a moment, he stayed. I brushed it off thinking it is one of the teenagers that like to prank people. As I kept cleaning my room a cold breeze greeted me at my bed. I ran to the window shutting it to keep the cold outside and not in. The moonlight’s shine is still glaring at my face so I closed the curtains to not let any light in my room as if I was a cavewoman in the past. I turned on my little black lamp that sits on my nightstand beside my bed. It brightens most of my purple colored room. Once I finished my room there were no monsters to be found. I ran downstairs with each step I took it let out a creek and crack, but I try to be quite so I do not wake up my parents. The only sounds that fill the air are crickets and frogs. I found a pair an old navy white flip flops, and slid them on my feet. I slipped on a thin jacket stepping out on the cold porch. The night air sent my lungs a sharp stabbing pain in my chest. I stared into the night as if there was a monster lurking in the shadows. I grabbed the cold flashlight that lies beside me on a small table. A streetlight not far from me flickers for a moment, but seems to stay on. As I stepped off the porch a loud howl comes from far off, but I do not pay any attention. As I get closer to the fence that marks the front of our property my heart races and the dark surrounds me. I can only hear leaves breaking under my feet. The crickets stopped chirping and the frogs stopped talking. As I continue my pace a small light from afar catches my eyes. I turned around but there was none thing but the darkness. The wind sends a shiver down my spine to greet me with the moonlight’s beam glaring at me harder. I felt something telling me to run away, but I never listen. I had forgotten to get the mail earlier today. So I was stuck getting it now. Once I retrieved the mail I was walking back to the house that sat silently on the cold ground. I look over to see a small light, but this time there was a dark figure standing there. I search for answers in my head for who he could be, but then there are only the ones that curl my stomach. The dark figure could kill me, rape me, or take me away. I took off for the house the door is only an arm length away. My scream was stuck in my throat, but I had tripped over a rock. “Ahhhh!” The flashlight landed over in the grass somewhere, and the mail was all over the ground. My knee throbbed, and I knew it was bleeding by the warm trickling I felt. My hands ached from trying to catch me. The flashlight started to flicker, and once it shut off I could only see the outline of my house. Strong hands grabbed me to pick me up. I started to scream, but I no longer felt the hands on me. The hands were from a man by the way he gripped me, and picked me up. His hands were warm to my chilled skinned. The moonlight’s beam started glaring at my face again as if I startled the woods or its habit. As I found the flashlight and the mail I stepped inside, and put the items on the table. I took off the coat and flip flops then ran into the bathroom. I cleaned my knee but the warmth of his hands still lingered on my skin. I was hoping my parents did not wake up to my absence or my silent screaming. In which I got lucky cause they are usually light sleepers. As I finish tending to my trauma I could hear a whisper of a man. I turned off the light, and quietly went to my room. Before I made it to my room I opened the door to my parent’s room, and they was still passed out in bed. I closed the door with a small click, but the wind made a surprise appearance to me. I spun around to see why, but my brown curly hair smacked me in the face. I brushed it aside walking to my room. As I acknowledge my window was shut and my room still being in tact I walk to my bed and pounder more on school. As I lay in bed letting my self pounder on several things I started to fall asleep. My dream dares me in such a way I am sure I do not remember most of it.

As I start to understand my dream an alarm sounds telling me “It’s time to get up Klarissa!” I am thinking school again. I wake up shutting off my alarm, and grabbed my black and reddish rose shirt with my favorite dark blue jeans. It was still dark outside, but I had to catch the bus anyways. Last night still irks me. I stepped onto my bus, but it was quite and strange this morning. Normally they are loud and never learn to shut up. I could feel cold air poking needles at my skin as I sat down. All my friends ride different buses or drive a car. So I am all alone on here. School was long in which I hate. After the bus dropped me off I was listening to music on my iphone five. I made it home and on my bedroom door mom left me a note with all the chores for me to do in the house. I was humming to a tune that was made up, and cleaning the mess in the kitchen that the mother monster had fun making. As I was doing the dishes I glanced out the small window in front of me to see a new car in town. A new black Ferrari that was parked a little ways down from my house. A tall dark skinned man got out walking, but that was all I could see. I had finally finished my entire work from mom to watch T.V., but her and dad was in the living room. I walked upstairs to my room to start on homework. We finished dinner and I said my goodnights to them then I waited in my bathroom for them to go to bed. I crept downstairs and went out the door. The cold air pricked my skin. The warmth feeling was still lingering on my skin from the other night. I walked off the porch bare footed onto the dewy cold wet grass. I wanted to see if that man showed up again. I seemed to have waited a while, and to my disappointment he never showed up. Saturday morning sun was shining brightly in my room. I put on some cozy clothes then walked downstairs to the kitchen.

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