Chapter 8

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     The sun greeted me as I woke up to an empty space this morning. I sat up bringing the sheets over my body when the door slowly crept open. “Good Morning beautiful,” “Morning…” I ran my hand through my hair while letting out a sigh. “Your parents will be home around noon.” “What time is it now?” “Almost eleven.” “Shit!” I jumped out of the bed running to the bathroom to take a shower. “I guess I should leave right?” “Yes!” “I love you.” I heard the door downstairs shut after I was in the shower. I got dress then started on my chores before my parents came home. It was around noon whenever I finished and I heard the door open. “SWEETIE! WE ARE HOME!” My mom came over hugging me tight while my father was looking around the house. “You didn’t have a party did you?” I laughed at him, “No daddy.” He smiled at me while I made my way to my room. When I walked in I saw Draven’s clothes on the floor so I grabbed them slinging them in my drawer whenever my father came in. “Hey honey,” “Yes dad.” I walked over to the bed while he came in. “So I have decided to let you go camping with Draven.” “Really!?” “Yes. Now if you two should happen to be in a room, alone, and no one else around would you promise me that you two will have.” “Okay dad! I got it! I promise.” “Alright I know.” I was cleaning my room looking for my black bag when dad and mom yelled at me saying they was going to bed. Draven was knocking on my rusted window while I fought with it to get it open. “Has he told you if you can go or not?” “I can go!” I hugged him as he picked me up spinning me around. “Great,” Draven looked around the room. “It looks like a bomb went off. Plus I left my clothes here by accident.” “Yeah I know it does and yes you did. I had to hide them in my dresser while dad came in here.” “Oops,” I laughed at him, “I am trying to find my black duffle bag. As well as clean this place.” “Oh dear,” We laugh while he started to help me clean my room. I was sitting in the floor doing something when my eyes shut down on me. It was early in the morning when I had fallen asleep because I woke up with a headache and in my bed. I looked at the clock but I saw a note with some warm milk and meds instead. On the note read: Ask your father if you can stay with Elizabeth on Friday. She will be around by five this evening. I love you~Draven. Dad wasn’t going to be home until four this evening. “Daddy, I have a friend coming over.” Elizabeth was over around five greeting my father. “Hi, my name is Elizabeth Honney.” “Daddy, Elizabeth is one of the girls that will be going on the camping trip this Saturday. She is wanting to know if I can stay the night with her on Friday.” Dad looked at her for a second, “I guess. Nice meeting you Elizabeth.” Dad walked into the living room while I told Elizabeth I was sorry for the way he was acting. She said not to worry about it. I walked out with her watching her meet up with Andrew while they ran into the woods then I walked into my room. I was sitting on my bed listening to music, then Draven came in. “What did your father say?” “Oh I don’t know,” I tried lying to him but he caught me red handed. “You’re lying! He said yes didn’t he?” “Yeah.” “Good, get a good night sleep. She will pick you up tomorrow around four. I love you.” Draven jumped off the edge of the window running into the woods. I grabbed my black bag packing some clothes I had laid out before I laid down.

        The sun shone in my room waking me up telling me to get a move on. I started packing the rest of my items. I walked down stairs around dinner time to eat with dad and mom while they talked to me about this trip. Around 4:30 Elizabeth picked me up putting my bags in the trunk of Draven’s Ferrari. “Why are you dressed all fancy?” I looked Elizabeth up and down after we got in the car. “Andrew is taking me out on a date before we go to camp.” After a couple miles from the house we pulled onto a dirt road. Before too long I could see the two story house that sat in the sunset’s way. I left my bag in the car since we are leaving early in the morning. I walked in the white front door to the living room seeing everyone scattered around. I met up with Draven in his room since I couldn’t find him anywhere else. His room colors are pale yellow, lime green, and brown. “I like the colors of your room.” I sat down on his master bed while he walked over giving me a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you baby.” We stayed up most of the night talking until I had fallen asleep on him. My eyes were startled by the sun peaking in every angle it could get. I looked around seeing that I was in Draven’s Ferrari. I could hear the whispers of two males. I sat up looking in the driver seat I could see Draven’s warm brown eyes looking at me then at the road. “Good Morning baby.” “Uh, Morning.” Mason turned around in his seat. “Morning sleeping beauty.” He looked at Draven, “How much longer are we in this car?” “We only have ten minutes left.” “Oh thank god! We have been driving for hours.” I spoke, “Have we been driving for hours?” “Yeah.” I looked around seeing trees, trees, and a dirt road. I started to see a giant lake then not far from the lake was a huge cabin. I saw some cars and two trucks already here. Draven parked beside a black ford fusion within no time Mason was out talking to his buddies. I got out admiring the beauty of the land while Draven was getting our things. “Beautiful isn’t it?” All I could do was shake my head yes. I felt Draven’s hand grabbed mine while he led me into the cabin. We walked through the sliding glass doors into a country style living room. On the left of us was a giant kitchen that you couldn’t miss. I figured this is where most of the guys hang out at. There was a small hallway at the end of the kitchen that led to Bobby’s room. Then his master bathroom was just a door away from his room. At the beginning of his hallway were stairs. It stopped at one place with a plaque saying: Travis’s room! We continued up the stairs to the first door on the left is Elizabeth and Andrew’s room. The door next to them had a plaque saying: Keylee and Riley’s Master Room. I looked over to the right side seeing Mason’s room. Near the end of the hall I spotted Draven’s room. “Where is Heathers, Bryce, and Tyler’s room?” “It is downstairs on the other side of the house.” Draven sat our things down in the room, “We are going to go find some lunch. Hungry?” “Yes!” He chuckled at me while we walked down stairs hand in hand. While we was eating hot dogs and French fries Draven looked at me. “I have something planned for you tonight. Everyone is going somewhere…” I pondered on what he was talking about until I started to watch the lake outside. It was a peaceful day while it lasted until around five whenever everyone started to leave. Soon Draven and I had the whole cabin to ourselves whenever he came up to me. “There is an outfit on the bed I have picked out. Go change and meet me here.” I ran upstairs looking on the bed where a two piece black bikini laid. I slipped on a black cover walking down stairs where Draven was waiting by the door for me. I was walking with him thinking we are going for a swim in the lake, but he was walking us somewhere else. I noticed a small shed behind the log house in which he opened the door showing a set of stairs leading downward.  He pushed me forward until he shut the shed doors turning out the light. I couldn’t see but I could feel his hand holding tightly on mine. We finally reached the floor, “Wait here.” I whispered, “Okay,” He let go of my hand running off into the dark until the lights flashed on. I saw a pool, hot tubs, fitness room, and other rooms as well. There was a bar connected to the pool as well! “Oh My God!” “Amazing I know. The pool is heated up nice and warm.” “You waited until now to show me?” “Yeah it was a small surprise.” “A small surprise?” “Yeah you know little.” I laughed at him while he smiled at me. “How long have you guys had this?” “A long time. We use it most in the winter. So who’s jumping in first?” I gave him a crazy look. “Not me!” He stripped to his swimming trunks. “I think we will have to see about that. I took off my cover sensing that he is growing to throw me in. He jumped in without warning while I sat at the edge putting my feet in the warm water. When he came out of the water he ran over to the bar. Classical music started playing out of the surround sounds. I looked back at Draven but he was gone from where I saw him. Suddenly I felt hands on my back pushing me into the water. I came up from the water, “Oh My God! Draven!” He laughed at me then dived into the water. I was picked up from my feet being carried over to the coroner of the pool. “What do you think?” “I love it!” He pinned me down on the wall with his hot body touching my cool body. His lips touched my softly with one hand on my back and the other one pulling my leg up. I wrapped one of my hands around his neck and the other one went through his hair pushing him toward me. The world behind us was long forgotten while we stood there making out until he finally pulled away. I was burning up from him being on me. I could feel my face heated with redness all over it. I turned my face when he looked at me so I could bite my lip from all the pleasure I felt. Draven had jumped out of the pool walking over to the bar grabbing something while I ran over to the hot tub to let my body warm up after the pool cooled me down. He jumped in with a bottle of bud light and handed one to me. “Why do you guys hide this place?” “I am not sure. You would have to ask Bobby. I think he was here when they deiced to build it.” I took a drink of my bud light before asking him another question. “Does anyone like me?” He smiled at me, “Yeah.” “Who?” “Well you have Elizabeth, Bobby, Mason, and someone else.” “Who is that person?” “I am not sure. I mean he likes you a lot.” “Who is he!?” “I am not sure that I should tell you. I mean he just likes being with you all the time and stuff.” “It’s you!” “OH darn!” We laughed at each other before he put his arm around me. We sat in the hot tub a little while until we finished our drink then he got up walking over to the diving bored. He jumped off doing a cannon ball. I walked into the pool giggling at him. Several hours passed while we was swimming. Subsequently I ran in taking a shower when we made it in the house. I slipped on my baby blue thongs with a pair of my old blue shorts and one of Draven’s tee. I laid in the bed shivering whenever Draven came in taking off his clothes except his blue boxers. He laid next to me wrapping his arms around me. “Cold baby?” “Y, yes.” I was getting warm while we was talking until my eyes shut and I left the world I was in into the world I had left behind the other night.                     

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