Chapter 14

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       I was downstairs still being ignored by my parents. I had went upstairs quietly shutting my door. Draven was laying on my bed waiting on me. “We need to talk.” “Sure.” “What is it with Joseph? Why him?” “I don’t know. You tell me.” “Draven.” “What happened back there yesterday is none thing compared to what he can do. Joseph thinks you have no idea about me. I want to keep it that way until I have to show him.” “So is he a wolf?” “He is a lone wolf.” “Please to god telling me he is hunting?” “Well we are hoping. If not then he is searching.” “For what or who?” “We don’t know, but it could be anything right now.” I walked over to the window shutting the curtains at the same time his arms encased me. He breathed in my ear, “It’s okay. I promised to protect you. I promised to love you with every breath I take. I promised to keep you here in my arms every day.” His grip tighten on me a little as I turned around laying my head on his chest. My world was frozen in that exact spot. It could have stormed, blizzard, or shined away but I wouldn’t feel a thing. I looked up at him while his large hands cups my face, in a flash he kisses me for the longest time. Each of us not wanting to let go, “Klarissa, you are everything I have ever wanted. I have it now in my hands and I won’t let go of it. I am never ever going to be apart from you.” We kissed a couple times more until he left for Bobby’s house. I picked out my thin white t-shirt and my thin blue bottom for bed. I laid down closing my eyes without a moments to waste.

        I was awakened by dad around five this morning. “Get up. Your first chore is running.” He left the room in time for me to change. I found my white sports bra with my black cami to go over top. I grabbed my black compression shorts then sliding over them was my loose purple shorts. I put on my old black and pink Nikki shoes before I walked out the door I snatched my phone with my purple headphones. I met dad downstairs getting ready for work. “Aren’t you going with me?” “No sweetie. For one I have work. For two it’s your punishment. Now you will go to the right of you then take another right on a dirt road. You will go there and back once. Go.” I walked into the yard putting my music on shuffle. I ran onto the road jamming to my music while the cold air put chills down my back. I came upon the old dirt path that dad told me about as I found a blood trail. I kept running as I ran past a dead animal. Soon I took out my headphones wondering if I should turn back since I was getting closer to the woods. I kept running until I saw wolf prints. I stopped seeing big black paws in front of me. I looked up long enough to see its two big black eyes staring at me. I took off running for the house as it ran after me. I came back to my familiar road while I jumbled to get my phone out to check for service. The wolf dogged for me at the same time I skid on the gravel. It stung like hell but I got up running. I had no service to call yet. He took another leap toward me as I saw the chance to escape. A large hill coming up with trees, bushes, and a set of tracks would help me. I took my cue on tripping myself to roll down the hill and slammed into a tree. I got up running as it still ran after me as I went to look at my phone I had dropped it before I tripped myself. Maybe it will be someone’s lucky day… I had come upon a river with land across from it. I took my last and final chance to not be its meal. As its claws are about to nip me I dove in the icy cold water swimming toward the other side. It stopped as it almost fell into the water watching me climb onto the bank gasping for air. I heard my name but I was too cold to holler back. The wolf had disappeared whenever Draven, Bobby, Andrew, and Heather showed up at the same opening. Heather and Andrew had already left to get the truck while the Bobby and Draven swam over to me. Draven picked me up as I yelped in pain. “Damn it. Klarissa.” I was trying to talk, “D, D, da, da, da.” “Don’t talk. Cuddle. We already know.” Bobby had grabbed the first aid kit on the way over while we was in the back of the truck he bandage me up. Draven held onto my with every fist I punched him he wouldn’t even tense up.

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