Chpater 7

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     When I awoke this morning I looked at the alarming seeing ten o’clock. My head thumped and banged everywhere. I walked down stairs getting a warm glass of milk. I was finishing the glass of milk when I spotted a piece of paper on the table. “Sorry about everything and I didn’t mean anything I said. I love you. I will see you in the morning. Draven.” I rolled my eyes walking to my room until I saw Draven standing by my window. I sighed before letting him in. “Sweetheart I am truly sorry. Please forgive me.” He came over to hug me while we started to talk. As we kept talking I ended up making him my crying shoulder to lean on. He held onto me. “I am here baby.” “Where was you last night when I needed you!?” I punched him in the chest before letting him answer me. A couple hours passed by whenever I woke up curled in Draven’s arms. My headache was gone which was good for me. I glanced at the clock seeing it was past noon. I started curling back up to Draven while I flipped a movie on my lonesome T.V. After a little while he woke up wrapping his arms around me. “How are you feeling baby?” “My headaches gone.” “That’s good. Are you hungry?” “Yeah,” He started to get up until I wrapped my arms around his neck. He turned around pinning me down to the bed. His arms encased my waist locking in place he pulled me closer to him. Our eyes gazed upon each other. Our hearts beated wildly trying to match the rhythm. His body hovered over mine for moments only within seconds his soft lips crushed mine. The world my body entered was never seen before. It was a pleasure I did not want to lose or forget. Only he pulled away while we smiled at each other, “I forgive you.” We were in the kitchen while he fixed grilled cheese and tomatoes soup. “Klarissa, would you join me at my wolf meeting?” “You guys have meetings?” He smiled, “Yeah we do. Only it is on Friday nights.” I shook my head yes while we was eating. “So I have to get used to the fact that my boyfriend is a werewolf.” “Yes indeed you do.” “Can I ask you some questions?” “By all means yeah.” “How do you guys change?” “Well it is usually by our own will. Now there are some nights we are not given our own will. “Is it painful?” “The first time you ever change into a wolf it is very painful. Actually even a couple times after that as well. As your body gets used to changing so much it starts to adapt.” “What sizes do you guys change into? Oh and the eyes they are not like normal wolf colored eyes.” “We are very much alike the normal sized wolves, and our eyes as a human is what eye color the wolf gene will give you. Although there was one issue that formed in the wolf gene. If your eye color human formed is blue, but if your wolf is black then you are called a lone wolf. Lone wolves will hunt and kill anything they want.” “Oh, what about you’re all’s fur color? Mostly the white female that tried to eat my face off.” Draven busted out laughing before he could answer me. “The white ‘female’ is actually a male. His name is Travis. He is our second in command from the alpha. Now our fur color ranges from white to black.” “So white fur is second in command?” “No. Actually the black is alpha so whoever the alpha makes is second command. Now it is rare that a follower can have black fur as well. I am the second wolf to have it.” “Now that is cool, oh! Is Bobby your alpha?” “Yeah.” “Now he had scars on his face do you guys get into a lot of wolf fights?” “Not really. Whenever you are a follower or second in command from changing from that position into alpha position can get really painfully intense. Sometimes you will end up with scars on your body. I can honestly say it has only happened once that someone has changed from follower to alpha without pain and scars.” “Oh…” “Now I know that we run faster than normal wolves would, and our howls are proven to be more powerful and often fearful at times. Our hunting instincts our far outright better than any animal there can be. We mostly hunt for other wolves that do not belong or just the lone wolves.” “I understand most of it now. Only how did you become one of them?” “We have a high percentage of Indian and wolf genes inside of us. I think if I am right everyone has the wolf gene that is Indian. The only difference is that the alpha has to active it by biting you.” “Does he bite hard and where would he bite you?” “They don’t have to bite hard. Just enough to break the skin and it really don’t matter where they bite you.” We finished talking while I ran upstairs to grab a shower.

        It was around six o’clock whenever we left for the wolf meeting and to be honest I was a little scared. I had on my dark blue jeans with a white tank top and a grey short shelve shirt over it with words spelling love. I decided to wear my grey converses. Draven’s hand was holding mine tightly as we made our way through the woods. In the middle of the woods appeared a giant two stored lodge house. Draven pulled me a little, “What’s wrong?” “This is a huge house and it is very beautiful.” “I think so, too. Come on.” We walked into the kitchen where I saw a few people standing around. “Hey Bobby!” “Hey! Who’s this?” “This is Klarissa.” Bobby bowed his head before speaking to me, “Welcome.” Draven pulled me close to him whenever a tall boy walked in. “This is Travis.” I kept quite while Travis walked into another room. “The girl over there is Elizabeth. The one beside her is Heather.” Bobby and the girls walked into the same room that Travis had walked into. “The boy following the three his name is Andrew.” Andrew hollered at us, “Hey nice to meet you Klarissa!” Draven and I walked to the room left of the kitchen which is the meeting room. The walls are a dark brown and a big oak square table sat in the center sitting almost twenty people. Bobby sat at the head of the table while Travis sat at the right. Heather sat at the left of Bobby then sat Elizabeth. Andrew was sitting next to Elizabeth. Travis had someone sitting beside him. “The person beside Travis is Riley, the girl next to him is his fiancé Keylee, and next to her is Mason.” “Who is that beside him?” “Oh, that is Bryce which is the one of two youngest member here, and the one sitting next to Andrew is Tyler which he is the second youngest member here. Draven and I took a seat beside Bryce before the meeting started. A booming voice took over all the other voices like they were mice. “How is everyone?” Everybody just shook their head before he continued. “Alright well everyone we have a new member, but she is not a werewolf.” “This is stupid. We shouldn’t have her here if she is not a werewolf.” Bobby grunted, “Travis!” “Just saying…” “Anyways everyone the girl sitting beside Draven is Klarissa.” Some people smiled at me and some waved but one of them did not even make eye contact. After the meeting Draven took me on a tour of the house. From the right of the kitchen was a huge living room. We walked in until I saw the two doors that led to Bobby and Heather’s room. Off to the side was a set of stairs that led up to the second story only there was a small bathroom beside the stairs. “When you make the top of the stairs you have Travis room. On your right of the stairs is Riley and Keylee’s room. Then the door down here is Bryce, Tyler, and Mason’s room. It was a living room until they came so it is now a combined bedroom. They don’t mind. Right across the hall from their room is Andrew’s room. The one beside his is Elizabeth’s. The second to last door is my room. The last door is a game room where we have a living room with small kitchen, a big plasma screen T.V., pool, and other games. We have a bathroom here on the left side and it is more of the girl’s bathroom since we all use the game room bathroom.” Around nine o’ clock Draven and I left the house for my house.

When we reached the front door I was shivering up and down. We was getting ready for bed whenever he came over encasing me around the waist. “What do you think about my family? Well my wolf family that is.” I was smiling, “I like them I guess.” “You guess?” “I mean I haven’t got to really talk to them so I don’t know.” “Alright.” I was starting to shiver again when he let go of me. “Still cold baby?” “Ye, ye, yes.” “I have an idea if you are willing to do it.” I gave him a funny look. “Su, sure.” He turned out the lights then guided me to the edge of the bed. I couldn’t see very well but the faint outline of the moon. He slipped off his shirt and then his pants that were reveling his tight white boxers. He pulled my shirt off noticing my reaction he stopped for a second. “Trust me. This will warm you up faster than anything. I won’t try any funny business. I promise.” I shook my head letting him take my shirt off exposing my bare chest. He slipped my shorts off showing my pink laced thong then tugged me toward him. He laid down while laying me on top of him and pulling my purple sheet to cover us. “This is supposed to help how?” “If I cover us with any more you will wake up within an hour sweating like crazy. Where we have the wolf gene we stay warmer than normal. That is why I don’t get my temperature checked.” I nodded my head before laying it on his bare chest. The stars shined at us while I could his body undermine. I was getting warm very fast, but my eyes were shutting faster. I could hear his humming through my dream as he held onto me through the night.

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