Chapter 12

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      Draven came over hugging me then walking to my house he whispered, “Sorry…” When we made it into my room he blurted out. “Please let me explain myself of what happened.” “I wasn’t going to scream at you.” “We werewolves go through these phases called Bone Pains. It is when our wolf bones grow larger while we are in human form. It will hurt if it grows large or fast.” Draven stood by the window with his hands on the glass. I came over wrapping my arms around his waist. I whispered, “I was worried about you.” He turned around cupping my face with his large warm hands. “No matter what happens to me Klarissa, I will be fine. I want you safe for that matters.” I was smiling when he pulled me into a tight hug. “You know I missed you right?” “Really!? It’s been two days Klarissa!” “Yeah well when you leave your boyfriend on a floor crying and screaming in pain not knowing what to do or can’t do anything it hurts! So recheck yourself!” I turned away from him until I felt his arms pulling me in. I looked up at him while he kissed me for the first time. “Can I stay the night still?” I felt his arms on me but his eyes stared right into my soul. “Well…” He started grinning at me. “You already know!” I shoved him while he laughed at me. He kissed me one last time before heading out to the woods. “I’ll see you in a couple of hours, baby.”

I went to take a shower then I put on pink boy shorts over top of it was my pink light sweatpants, and then my black tank top. I put my curly hair in a bun for the night because I don’t want to deal with it. I walked into my room seeing that Draven has already claimed a spot on my bed. I turned out the lay to lay beside of him but before I could get in he said, “If I were you I would take those pants off. You know how hot it will get if you had that on while laying on top of me and a big heavy blanket with it.” I slipped them off crawling in bed with him. “Did I ever make you feel uncomfortable?” “The first time you came over you did. As you kept coming over though I got used to you being right here with me.” H is soft smiled sent shivers down my back then he kissed my forehead whispering goodnight.  It felt nice to have him sleeping with me again. I felt safe, wanted, and most of all loved.

        Draven woke me up telling me I am late for school. I ran out the house meeting Draven in his car when we saw the bus running late as well. On the way to the school Draven yawned, “I can pick you up after school.” As he pulled in I gave him a kiss then hollered, “OKAY!” I was walking in my first block class whenever I was tripped falling to the floor. Kelly Smith was laughing then said, “Oops, looks like someone could watch what you are doing?” I whispered enough for her to hear me, “Bitch.” In the middle of class Kelly decided to throw paper on the floor beside of me while the teacher looked up while I was getting ready to pick it up and yelled at me. I got a day of ISS for writing on the paper saying that the teacher is a bitch with a man period. When lunch came around I slammed my things down on a table then headed over to Kelly’s table. “Kelly, you tripped me on purpose this morning and got me ISS for something YOU did…” “Yeah so?” I wanted to slap the bitchiness out of her voice. “It was stupid and wrong. You could have said sorry for tripping me and telling the teacher that you threw the paper,” “OH! I am sorry…For you being a clumsy freak. And that writing wasn’t mine. You got caught red handed.” “I am no worse than you.” “Oh really!? Last time I checked you was sucking at life.” Everyone laughed at me. “You’ll be the next one sucking whore.” I walked away while I left her mouth open for the next era of flies. I was tempted to punch the stupid off her face before she said anything else but I kept my self quite. I waited by the flagpole for Draven. When he came I got in without much to say. “How was your day baby?” “Freaking Kelly tripped me then wrote a paper saying that Mr. Nelson my English teacher is a bitch on his period. I got ISS tomorrow because he thinks I did it even though I tried to talk to him. I confronted her at lunch and she had everyone laughing at me! Can I punch her in the face?” “Well if it were me I would have been kicked out of school for punching someone in the face at the most. Try not to do anything to stupid.” I rolled my eyes at him trying to let out all my anger. Before I got out at my drive way, “You coming in tonight?” “Yeah I will be there sometime.” “Okay.” I got out kissing him then walking into the house. Mom and dad left for bed around nine so I was up fixing dinner. I had just made it upstairs when Draven came in sitting on my bed ready to eat. After dinner we cuddled up in my bed talking until we both fell asleep.       

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