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Emma's POV

"Remind me again why I let you guys convince me joining the team was a good idea?" I asked as Regina, Mary Margaret and I walked to cheer practice.

"Because it used to be fun, until Milah became captain," Regina huffed, saying Milah's name with disgust. Regina hated that bossy slut as much as I did, Mary Margaret wasn't fond of her either, but she was too nice to ever say it. Regina and I definitely didn't have that problem.

Ruby nearly got her head bitten off by us when she told us that she liked Milah, and didn't know what we had against her. I had a feeling Ruby was just saying that to protect her precious social status. Ruby never walked to practice with Regina, Mary Margaret, and me.

She always went to practice early to flirt with the football team. Man, talk about boy crazy. I mean, I was boy crazy, but that was only for one boy, not half a dozen. After 3 years of being on the sidelines, watching my best friends so happy in their relationships, I finally knew what it felt like.

I'd always cringed a little when Regina and Robin or Mary Margaret and David would get all mushy gushy. But Killian and I were just as bad about that stuff as they were. We couldn't help it. I guess that's what the blossom of first love did to a person.

Now Ruby was the odd man out all by herself. But I didn't feel bad for her like Regina and Mary Margaret used to with me. She had more than plenty of company to keep her from getting lonely. I honestly could never see Ruby settling down and being committed to one guy for any period of time.

But the same couldn't be said about me. Because I was committed to one guy, and it scared me that I could already see us having a future together. Killian said he was going to try to convince his parents to let him finish high school here next time he video chatted them. And if they let him, he would be 18 when we graduated. He would be a legal adult who was able make his own decisions and didn't need to listen to his parents.

Killian could stay here with me and we could go to college together. And after that we could start our lives in the real world, maybe get married, and--

Woah, woah, stop right there Emma! You're only 16! You can't be thinking that far ahead! But it was so easy to let my mind drift in that direction. To fantasize about what could be. I never thought I'd be the kind of girl that would want to have a little, white picket fence life, but I also never thought I'd be that girl that sees a future with her high school sweetheart. Jeez, how cliche. 

We hadn't even said I love you to each other or had sex yet. I needed to at least wait until both of those events took place to take this stuff seriously. I pushed all my girly daydreams to the back of my mind as the 3 of us reached the football field.

I thought it was kind of stupid we had practice out here on the field when the football team did. Both teams needed to focus to prepare for the game next week, and not much of that was happening with all of us out here at the same time. Sweaty teenagers plus raging hormones equaled major distractions.

Especially since most of the cheerleaders were dating guys on the football team. If Killian was out here with us, I'd have goo goo eyes just like the rest of the cheer squad, but he wasn't, so I didn't.  Simple as that. I only had eyes for my adorable dork.

I hoped he knew that. He could get so insecure at times about my feelings for him, and as cute as it was, it was also totally unnecessary. That boy had me wrapped around his finger. He had my heart in the palm of his hand. He had nothing to worry about.

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