Every Rose Has It's Thorn: Chapter Three

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"Rose, OMG did you see the new gym teacher? He is smokin hot." Maria said, as I started pulling my shirt off, and replaced it with my Selena Gomez T-shirt. Alyssa and I went to her We Own The Night concert a couple weeks ago. I pulled on my black gym shorts and went over to the big mirrors with my black elastic and my hair brush.

"Of course I saw him he was standing right by the door and he asked us for our names. How could I not see him?" I laughed. The girls around me laughed. I brushed my curly blonde hair into a pony tail and tied the elastic around.

"So he was hot wasn't he Rose?" Lisa asked as she came over next to me and started brushing her black hair. I un-snapped my necklace and put it over in my locker. I couldn't get his eyes out of my eyes out of my head. It was wierd. I was never really into boys, but there was just somthing about him that caught my eye. No! HE was a teacher I could not be thinking like that. He was older than me. It was illegal for anything like that to happen. I mentally shuddered at the thought.

"Come on Rose." Alyssa said as she grabbed my arm. She was eager to o back up there and see the new teacher. I laughed and followed her. I fixed my sweat bad on my hair and oulled my ponytail tighter. We walked up the stairs to see him dribbling a basketball, a white whistle hung around his neck. All the boys were out and waiting for us.  We all lined up in our lines Miss, Lynne assighned us and waitied for the teacher to speak. He stood and counted us under his breath. When he got to me I met his eyes than looked away. He counted to the end and then his strong voice ran out in the gym.

"Hello. My name is Mr. Miller and I am going to be your Physical Education teacher for the year. I have a couple rules you guys have to follow.

"No Talking when I am talking, this is my main rule. Follow this and we will get along just fine."

"No cussing." You could here the shuffle of feet as people looked down guiltily. Mr.Miller grinned than went on.

"Be safe and don't be mean." We all nodded.

"Now I will pick one person each day to lead in the excerseses Miss. Lynne had you do before." He looked down at his clipboard

"Rosalie, your up first." I nodded and made my way up to the front of the gym.

"Jumping Jacks! Is everyone ready?" I asked, my voice loud enough for everyone to here.

"Ready!" They called back, we counted to 10 than stopped.

"Arm circles. IS everbody ready?"

"Ready!" We counted to ten again than we did the other way,

"HEad and neck circles is everybody ready?" I asked,

"Ready!" We counted to 10 again

"Hurdle Stretches!" We did stretch after stretch

"Hamstring Stretch!"


"Pushups!" we did 10 situps

"Situps!" We did 15 Situps before standing up again. Mr.Miller looked at me and gave me an approving nod.

"Your good at that McCarthy. You play sports?" He asked looking at me and marking somthing on his clipboard. I smiled at him and nodded.

"Vollyball, football, basketball, track and field, cross country, cheerleading, and swimming." I explained and I swear his eyes about bugged out of his head.

"Wow. I believe you will gt along fine in this class, McCarthy." He smiled at me and I grinned back.

"Alright everyone on the carpet." We all groaned. We knew waht this was.

There is chapter three! I hope you like it!

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