Every Rose Has It's Thorn

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I walked down the hall with my best friend Alyssa. We talked about last nights vollyball game. We won 25 to 0. Our team was on of the best ones out there. Well thats what we have been told anyway.

"Your serve last night was amazing! Did you see that girls face? She so did not see that coming! You hit her smack in the face! That was just epic!" I laughed as my best friend went on and on about my little show of breaking another teams girl nose last night. I have to admite it was pretty funny. My name is Rose McCarthy. I am a 17 year old girl who lives in Frankfort, Kentucky.

"Rose you were great last night." My other best friend, Mia said coming up to me. I smiled at her.

"Thank you. You did great to." She beamed at me her brown eyes sparkling.I tucked a piece of my curly blonde hair behind my ear. My life would what some people would think of as perfect. I was a pretty good girl. I mean I think I was. I was a straight A's student. I played sports that I was good at. Some people called me perfect.  

"Rose. Did you hear Miss. Lynne retuered?" Alyssa asked. I looked at her shock written acrossed my face. Miss. Lynne was our physical eduacation teacher and I swear she was about 68 years old. She was mean to. All we did the whold 45 minutes was run laps and excercise. It was pure torture.

'No! I can't believe she finally retiered. And right in the middle of the school year!" I exclaimed my eyes wide.

"It's either she retiered or she went to go torture another school, but I really don't care as long as she is out of here." Mia put in. I nodded in agreement.

"Who is the new teacher?" I asked, hoping it was going to be a normal one who actually let us play differant sports.

"I heard his name is Mr. Miller. I heard he is 24 and extremly hot!" Alyssa gushed. I let out a laugh. I didn't have a boyfriend. I've been asked out alot, but I didn't want to date right now. Wierd yeah I know.

"Well, I guess we will see last pierod won't we?" Lyss, Mia, and I have P.E together last pierod. Right before we go to Vollyball practice.

"We don't have practice tonight girls. Coach is letting us off for our amazing victory last night." I informed the girls. They cheered. I was the captain of the vollyball team. Out of all the sports I play I have to admit Vollyball was probably one of my favorites. It was proabably one of the ones I was best at to.

"Rose, you don't happen to have your history notes do you?" Mia asked, I looked at her. Her tan face looked scared and her big brown eyes were wide with worry.

"Yeah. Mia did you forget to study again?" I asked, Mia was one of those girls who could get good grades if she tried. I had a feeling she was up all night talking to her boyfriend instead of studying for the big history exam we had today. Mia looked down embarresed. I sighed and handed her my history notebook where all my notes were all neatly written. She took it and gave me a smile.

"Thank you so much Rose. You are an awesome friend. Really for the best." I smiled at her.  The bell ran right as I turned into my choir class. I was in both Choir and Band, I loved music as well as sports and anyother activity I was in. I climbed into my riser row and stood next to another one of my friends Caira she smiled at me and handed me the folder that held our music and other musical things. I was a saprano. I didn't have a high voice when speaking, but when it came to singing my voice was higher than you would think. In band I played the flute. Each section picked on leader, my section just happened to pick me. As class started we sang our songs for the concert that was coming up and I just couldn't help but think about waht the new P.E teacher was going to be like.

Ok so this is going to be the start of my first original book :) I really hope you guys like my step up from fanfictions. Please comment and vote. It would mean the world to me!

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