Every Rose Has It's Thorn: Chapter Four

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"Alright. The first sport we awre going to play is as most of you probably know. Vollyball." The girls and I cheered. We were mostly on the vollyball team. Alyssa raised her hand.

"Yes Alyssa." He said looking toward her, man this guy learned names fast. Alyssa took a breath than smiled.

"Can I be on Ro-er. Rosalie's team?" She asked, all I wanted to do was smack a hand to my forehead. Mr. Miller rolled his eyes at the question.

"Alyssa, there is a rule I have. You don't get to pick your teams. I do. So please don't ask. McCarthy will be with who ever I team her with." Alyssa nodded and Mr. Miller went on.

"You each will be paired with a partner who will help you get better at serving and other vollyball, skilled. Luckily this class has alot of the vollyball players so most of you will be paired up with one." We all nodded and mumbled our agreements. "I'm going to read off your name and your partners name. One of you will get a ball while the other go stand on the left side of the gym." Than hje started to read the pairs

"James and Cleo."

"Cara and Sam"

"Micheal and Lisa"

"Micka and Julia.

Marylyn and John"

"Kayla and James"

"Alyssa and Mia.:

"McCarthy. Your going to be with me." I blinked in shock Miss. Lynne never had one of us as a partner. She never did anything like that we always worked with a classmate or a group of three.

"Ok." I said following him to a seperate part of the gym where he could easily see the rest of the class. The vollyball players instructed the other players on how to serve and hit the ball.

"Let me see your serve McCarthy." Mr. Miller instructed as he tossed the ball to me. I caught it wil ease and held my hand out in my servers position. My hand came out and hit the ball in one swift motion. The ball flew over in a perfect serve. Mr. Miller caught it and I could see he was impressed.

"Bump it."  he ordered. I got in my staance and he sent the ball flying toward me. I bumped it with my whole power and it went flying past him in a perfect line. Shock over came his face as he watched the ball sail acrossed the room.

"How was that?" I asked, looking at him. He looked at me a smile broke out on his face.

"Your amazing McCarthy. I've never seen a girl your age that good at this before. Your team caption?" He asked. I nodded

"Yeah. She brakes girls noises on the other team." Alyssa Laughed alittle ways away from us. Mr. Miller looked at me shock on his face. I laughed at his expression.

"That was you last night? I saw somthing happen, but I didn't see your face, plus your hair was straight." It was true I looked like a whole new person with my hair straight. My hair was naturally curly in spirals. "You were amazing last night, McCarthy." I smiled at him. I get praise like that all the time, but for some reason when he praised me like that it got me all warm inside and I couldn't stop smiling.

"Alright you guys can go down and change." He dismissed and we all ran down to our locker rooms.

"You were great Rose!" Alyssa said coming up beside me. I smiled at her and took my hair down brushing it smooth.

"Thanks Lyss." I told her and took my towl, whipping the sweat off my face. When I finally had all my clothes on I walked up the stairs with Alyssa and Mia. We were all talking about who we wanted on our team for this class.

"McCarthy!" I looked up and met the warm brown eyes of Mr. Miller.

"Yeah?" I asked, smiling at him.

"You guys have a game today?" He asked, I shook my head.

"Nope we have one tommorow though, it's home." I informed him. He nodded and the bell ring. We ran out the door in hope to get to our next class in time, but as I ran out I could feel Mr. Miller's eyes on me the whole time.

Hey:) School has been horrible latly and I am so sorry you had to wait on this update. I hope you guys like. OH! and for my Fate is Just A Word fans. I am working on Fatal Fate and Forbidden Fate as we speak. i don't know witch will be up first, but one will be up:) I really hope you like this chap, and thank you for Harajoku for making my cover.

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