Every Rose Has Its Thorn: Chapter Thirteen

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wooowoI sighed and got into my car on Monday morning. My 'meeting' with Xzander ha went smoother than he probably though it was going to go. MAybe i was crazy for going along with this, but really I didn't care. Xzander really had me fooled when it came to this whole werewolf thing. He even promised to show me one of these days. His Alpha didn't aprove though and as Xzander put it, thats never good. We agreed to make it our secret intill my birthday in a couple mounths than no one can stop us. I really did feel the pul between us. Thats the only reason I was trusting this man I have only known for a couple weeks. Strange right? Maybe it was just me. Yeah, it probably was.

Alyssa and Mia met me in my normal parking space. They started talking about some party they went to this wekend which resolted in Mia not being able to study for her World History test which of course made me feel bad so I gave her my notes.

"Thanks Rose!" It was the normal morning intill someone caught my eyes in the parking lot. Pulling up in the black mustang into the roped off area for the teachers was my hh what should I call him. Boyfriend? Nah that dosn't sound right? I guss he was my mate according to him. He looked amazin in dark jeans and his normal white t-shirt. He didn't see me yet, but just looking at him made my heart drop. He was amazingly hot and all the girls stopped just to look at him. He was mine.  Ok so yeah if you were in my position you would be possesive to. So you really can't blame me. Xzander finally looke over at me. His smile made the sun and stars combined together look stupid. He slowly made his way over to Alyssa, Mia, and I. Once he was standing infront of us his smile turned professinal teacherish. If thats even a word.....

"Alyssa, Mia." His gaze came to rest on my and I tucked a blonde straightened lock behind me ear before giving my normal smile. "McCarthy." That was his official name for me. He thought Rosalie was to long and Rose was to best friend like. McCarthy apparently fit hiis gym teacher status jsut right. Yeah, I know he's really wierd, but still.

"Hi Mr. Miller." He hated it when I called him that. I decided to make fun of him and call him that all weekend, beucase he thought it as funny to call me Rosalie when he knew I didn't like it. Yeah lets just say this weekend didn't go alll that well when it came to 'stuying' which is what I told my parents what I was doing. Oh, and did I mention that i my first time lying to them> Oh, my life is already starting to turn around, but is it good or bad?

Hey! Another chapter I was able to sneak in! I really hope you like it and I swear things will start geting better, like the APLPHA will step into the picture! DUH DUH DUNNN! Anyway I hoped you enjoy!

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