Every Rose Has It's Thorn: Chapter Five

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Hey guys so I have a favor to ask all my awesome readers. Go check out the story Twisting You by Explode. She is amazing and my favourite author on wattpad. Love ya Sim xx. So here is the next chapter to Every Rose Has It’s Thorn. This is dedicated to my fav author Explode. I already explained why so I am not going through that again. Anyway I hope you guys like this and thanks for the support.

                Lyss and I walked toward the gym talking about random stuff. We laughed and whispered quietly as we passed the detention room. As we looked through the door window we caught the eyes of Josh, Mia’s boyfriend. His eyes shouted the message of “Get Me Out Of Here!” Alyssa and I giggled, but kept walking. We both wore black spandex shorts with purple shirts with our team name and other things on it. Our team colors were black and purple. Our team name was the Lions. It was un original, trust me I know, but still we were number 1 in our district so the name really didn’t matter.

                “Coach is going to kill us if we are late again, Lyss.” I told her as I pulled her arm and walked faster. Alyssa laughed harder.

                “Oh lighten up Rose. You can be late for once in your life.” Lyss laughed. I sighed, I hated being late. It made me feel so guilty,

                “No, We still have five minutes and the gum is right around the corner. We won’t be late. I said cheering up a bit. Alyssa groaned and let me pull her in the gym. Where I found the other girls stretching and getting ready for the practice. Coach was sitting at Mr. Milers desk watching. Technically that’s all she did, I was head cheerleader so I lead everything. Coach was just there to watch and make sure I did everything alright

                “Rose, Alyssa. I thought you were going to be late. I should have known better though. Rose is never late.” We both laughed. I stood in front of the girls and lead them through our exercises. Finally we got started with our cheers.

Lets get Physical

Get down, get hard, get mean

Lets get physical

And beat the other teams

I have to admit that cheer was my favourite. It was quite funny don’t you say. At the end Alyssa and Emily did back handsprings. We pretty much had that one down so we moved on to the next one

Hey hey are you ready (Clap Clap)

Are you ready? (Clap Clap)

To Play (Clap)

Say Go Team (Clap)

Go Team (Clap)

Lions all the way!

“Alright girls. We weren’t together on that one so you know what that means. Drop down and give me 15 pushups.” The girls groaned, but dropped to the ground and I watched and counted as they counted and did there push-ups. So I had to admit I wasn’t a fun captain sometimes, but hey they do It right the next time so I can’t say it doesn’t work.  “Let’s do the cheer again, and stay together or we will do the push-ups again and then you will do the cheer again.” I told them. They got into the stance again and we started.

Hey hey are you ready (Clap Clap)

Are you ready? (Clap Clap)

To Play (Clap)

Say Go Team (Clap)

Go Team (Clap)

Lions all the way!

See I told you they listened when I made them do that. It was perfect the second time around, we were all together and loud enough. We moved onto the next cheer. This is the one they all stumbled around, it was fast and with Alyssa and Emily doing flips it got confusing, plus it was fairly new to them.

“Alright girls” I said “5, 6, 7, 8”

You might be good at basketball

You might be good at track

But when it comes to football

You might as well step back

Say What?

You might as well step back

Can’t here you

Might as well step back

Go Lions!

I was literally blown away. It was perfect. I looked back at the girls who looked proud and surprised.

“That was perfect girls! Were you guys practicing at home?”  Some girls nodded and some girls shook there head no.

“Nah, we just didn’t want to do any more pushups.” Alyssa said and I laughed.

“Alright than. You guys can go change. You did good today.” They all shouted there thanks and went down to get dressed.

“Good job Rose. See you Friday.” I nodded to coach and went down in the locker room. I spoke to Alyssa and got dressed than I went up with my bag over my shoulder. All the others were gone by now. I sighed and pulled out my car keys.

“I’m telling you I found her.” I jumped at the voice. I was standing right next to Mr. Miller’s office. It was him who was talking He sounded frantic. There was silence as he paced his office. The door was closed, but I could see his shadow move back and forth.

“She’s mine Daniel, I’m telling you. I found her.” Something shifted in his voice. His voice became lighter and happier. I shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but I couldn’t help it.  

“You should be happy for me!” His voice grew angry again. He stopped pacing.

“I don’t care how old she is! Why are you acting like this?” I had to get out of there. I wasn’t meant to be here. I ran toward the exit and outside. I slide into my car and started it driving out of the school driveway.  Still wondering what Mr. Miller was talking about.

There you guys go! I really hope you like it. I worked hard on this chapter. I don’t own the cheers. I got them from a book that I use for my squad called Common Cheerleader Chants. I hope you guys like it

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